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In finance, an exchange rate also known as a foreignexchange rate, forex rate, ER, FX rate or Agio between two currencies is the rate at which one currency will be. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta Nueva York, 28 de marzo de 1986, ms conocida por su nombre artstico Lady Gaga, es una cantante, compositora, productora. Lady Gaga Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta Nueva York, 2. Watch Cape Fear Online Hitfix What Alanu0027s WatchingБытовые счетчики учета расхода холодной и горячей воды. Газовые котлы и колонки различных. The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 American biographical black comedy crime film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Terence Winter, based on the memoir of the. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Community is an American television sitcom created by Dan Harmon that aired on NBC and Yahoo Screen from September 17, 2009 to June 2, 2015. The series follows an. Lady Gaga, es una cantante, compositora, productora, bailarina, activista y diseadora de modaestadounidense. Tambin ha dedicado parte de su vida a la actuacin. 3 Nacida y criada en la ciudad de Nueva York, estudi en la escuela Convent of the Sacred Heart y asisti por un tiempo breve a la Tisch School of the Arts, perteneciente a la Universidad de Nueva York, hasta que abandon sus estudios para enfocarse en su carrera musical. Fue as como irrumpi en la escena del rock en el Lower East Side de Manhattan y firm un contrato con Streamline Records hacia fines de 2. En la poca en que trabajaba como compositora para dicha discogrfica, su voz llam la atencin del artista Akon, quien la hizo firmar un contrato con Kon Live Distribution. Lady Gaga adquiri fama como artista tras el lanzamiento de su lbum debut, The Fame 2. Just Dance y Poker Face. El disco tuvo xito comercial lleg al primer lugar en numerosas listas de xitos y buenas crticas. 4 Tras comenzar su gira The Fame Ball Tour, lanz el EPThe Fame Monster 2. Bad Romance, Telephone y Alejandro. Su xito permiti a la cantante realizar su gira de ocho meses de duracin Monster Ball Tour, que se considera como una de las series de conciertos con mayores ingresos econmicos generados en la historia de la industria musical. Su siguiente lbum, Born This Way 2. Born This Way, Judas, The Edge of Glory y Yo and I. 567 Despus de tomar un ao sabtico debido a una lesin en la cadera, fue lanzado su tercer lbum de estudio, Artpop 2. Estados Unidos y contiene las canciones Applause, Do What U Want y G. U. Y. Su cuarto lbum de estudio fue Cheek to Cheek 2. Tony Bennett que se convirti en su tercer lbum nmero uno en Estados Unidos. 8Influenciada por varias personalidades, Lady Gaga es reconocida por su sentido esttico cambiante y extravagante con respecto a la msica, la moda, las presentaciones en directo y los vdeos musicales. Hacia febrero de 2. Los reconocimientos que recibi incluyen seis premios Grammy, siete Billboard Music Awards, tres premios Brit, trece MTV Video Music Awards y un lugar dentro del Saln de la Fama de los Compositores, as como un Globo de Oro, una nominacin al scar y dos al Emmy. 1. Figur consecutivamente como artista del ao en la revista Billboard y en el cuarto puesto de la lista de VH1 de las Cien mujeres ms grandes de la msica, as como en otras listas elaboradas por la revista Forbes y Time, donde la consideran asimismo como una de las personas ms influyentes del mundo. 1. Ha lanzado sus propias fragancias comerciales, Fame y Eau de Gaga. 1. Ms all de su carrera como artista, Gaga tambin se dedica a causas humanitarias y al activismo en favor de la comunidad LGBT. Biografa y carrera artstica. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta naci el 2. Lenox Hill Manhattan, en la ciudad de Nueva York. 1. Fue la primera hija del matrimonio conformado por Joseph Anthony Germanotta, un empresario de Internet, y Cynthia Louise Bissett. 2. Tiene una hermana llamada Natali Veronica, nacida en 1. Posee ascendencia italiana y, de forma ms distante, franco canadiense. 2. Es zurda comenz a tocar el piano a los cuatro aos de edad, y a los trece compuso su primera balada. Al ao siguiente, empez a presentarse en noches de micrfono abierto. 2. Sobre su aficin a la msica, coment No s exactamente de dnde sali mi afinidad por la msica. Pero es lo que ms fcil me sale. Mi mam siempre cuenta la historia bochornosa de que cuando tena tres o incluso menos aos, me ayudaba a subir al piano y tocaba las teclas. Supongo que le dijo a mi pap Tiene que estudiar piano. Empec a tomar clases con una mujer increble, era grandiosa, es una gran amiga. Era muy buena tocando el piano, as que mis primeros instintos fueron trabajar muy duro practicando. Para Navidad, mi padre me dio un cancionero de Bruce Springsteen y all estaba Thunder Road, que es mi cancin favorita de Bruce. Y mi pap dijo Si aprendes a tocar esta cancin, pediremos un prstamo para comprar un piano de cola. Fue lo ms difcil para m. Normalmente tocaba piezas de quince pginas y ahora, haba una cancin de Bruce Springsteen. Abr el libro y haba acordes de guitarras, era muy confuso, no lo entenda. As que empec a leer el cancionero y finalmente lo pude hacer. 2. Upper West Side en Manhattan, donde Gaga creci, ha sido una inspiracin para algunas de sus canciones. Criada como catlica romana en el Upper West Side en Manhattan, antes de que la familia se mudara de ah en 1. Gaga asisti desde que tena once aos al Convent of the Sacred Heart, una escuela catlica privada de mujeres ubicada en dicha zona. 2. Pese a la opulencia del Upper West Side, Gaga recalc que no provena de un contexto de riqueza y coment sobre sus padres que ambos provienen de familias de clase baja, as que hemos trabajado por todo. Mi madre trabajaba de ocho a ocho fuera de casa en telecomunicaciones, lo mismo que mi padre. 3. Se describi a s misma en su vida acadmica en su high school como muy dedicada, muy estudiosa, muy disciplinada pero tambin un poco insegura como afirm en una entrevista Solan burlarse de m por ser demasiado provocativa o demasiado excntrica, as que comenc a regularlo. No encajaba, me senta como una anormal. 3. Sus conocidos debaten si ella no encajaba en la escuela. Un antiguo compaero de colegio coment Tena un grupo cerrado de amigos era buena alumna. Le encantaban los muchachos, pero cantar era lo nmero uno. 3. Actriz entusiasta en los musicales escolares, Gaga encarn a la protagonista Adelaide en Guys and Dolls y Philia en A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. 3. Adems, interpret un papel pequeo de una compaera de colegio traviesa en la serie de televisin dramtica Los Soprano en un episodio de 2. The Telltale Moozadell. 3. A los 1. 6 aos comenz a cantar y actuar frente a un pblico en directo y realiz audiciones carentes de xito para obtener papeles en espectculos de Nueva York. 2. Cuando finaliz su estada en el Convent of the Sacred Heart, su madre le sugiri que aplicara en la Universidad de Nueva York para estudiar teatro e interpretacin, especficamente en el Collaborative Arts Project 2. CAP2. 1, una facultad de la Tisch School of the Arts. 2. Durante esos aos Gaga comenz a padecer trastornos alimenticios como anorexia y bulimia. 3. A los diecisiete aos, Gaga fue admitida y comenz a vivir en una residencia para estudiantes en la 1. Street. All estudi msica y escribi ensayos y monografas analticas centrados en temas como el arte, la religin, temas sociales y poltica. 2. Gaga escribi una tesis sobre los artistas del pop. Spencer Tunick y Damien Hirst, una investigacin que, en sus propias palabras, la prepar para su futura carrera centrada en la msica, el arte, el sexo y la fama. 4. Gaga consideraba que era ms creativa que algunos de sus compaeros y afirm Una vez que aprendes cmo pensar acerca del arte, puedes ensearte a ti mismo. 2. En un curso de interpretacin,2. CAP2. 1 para obtener papeles como el de una desprevenida comensal en una cena en la que se estaba filmando el reality show de MTVBoiling Points. 4. Sin embargo, hacia el segundo semestre de su segundo ao all, dej la universidad para dedicarse a su carrera musical. 4. Su padre estuvo de acuerdo en pagar su alquiler durante un ao, con la condicin de que regresara a Tisch si no tena xito. La cantante afirm al respecto Abandon a mi familia entera, consegu el departamento ms barato que pude encontrar y com mierda hasta que alguien me escuchara. 3. Gaga abandon la CAP2. Instalada en un pequeo apartamento ubicado en la calle Rivington Street hacia el verano de 2. Gaga grab un par de canciones con el cantante de hip hop. Melle Mel para un libro de audio que acompaaba un cuento infantil llamado The Portal in the Park, escrito por Cricket Casey. 4.

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Jaw Dropping Superhero Body Paint Cosplays. Comic book superheroes are a highly popular source of cosplay inspiration, given that theres quite a wide range of fantastic characters to choose from. With their epic super suits, weapons, and power poses, its easy to see how these pop culture icons are a constant fan favorite when it comes to donning a new persona for that next cosplay convention. While wearing an actual costume of prop belts, holsters, and other strapping accessories is impressive on its own, others take it up a notch, stunning con goers and netizens alike by portraying the superheroes they love and admire, using nothing but the tool of body paint and makeup. This list features some of the most amazing superhero and supervillain cosplays formed entirely with the magic of body art that prove that you dont need a fancy spandex suit to pull off your favorite characters look as long as youre creative. Here are 2. 0 Jaw Dropping Superhero Body Paint Cosplays. Wonder Woman Zombie VersionZombies are a cool enough thing on their own, but throw a bit of DC into the mix, and youve got yourself a pretty epic cosplay thats sure to make con goers look twice. Thats exactly what body paint artist Paul Roustan does here with his remarkable zombified version of Wonder Woman, cosplayed by the Instagram user 1starlight. Roustans body art not only adds a fairly convincing undead look to the cosplayers skin with the dull blue and grey blotches and touches of rotting, red wounds but also encompasses the rest of the Amazonian warriors suit, with all the right details golden plating, cuffs, and all added for that realistic three dimensional look. His accurate colours make for a gorgeously vibrant, comic book feel, which is a nice contrast to the rest of its The Walking Deadesque appearance. Paul Roustan is an award winning, international body painting artist and professional photographer based in Los Angeles, with many other amazing body art cosplays under his belt. Supergirl. Just as many other artists on this list have accomplished, Tys Panayis stuns Instagram users with her body painted cosplay of Supergirl, nailing that two dimensional comic book look to a T. Body painter and make up artist Anna Lingis perfectly details the curves and edges of Supergirls impeccably toned figure, blending in dark shades and white highlights with great precision. The result is a mind blowing, purely painted costume of this classic DC heroine and with her striking blue contacts, as well as the black lines drawn around both Panayis face and wig, viewers have to look twice to make sure they arent staring an actual cartoon character. Anna Lingis is a professional body and make up artist, as well as the co founder and editor of the creative publication Dupe Magazine. Monster MMORPG is a web based, online Monster MMO RPG game that can be played for free from any devices. Play at www. monstermmorpg. com. This is the official forum of. There are a surprising number of celebrity families in Hollywood, but some might surprise you. Do you know about these famous siblingsTys Panayis is a singersongwriter, body paint model, and successful co owner of the international fashion brand East 1. Threads EXV. 1. 8. Batgirl. Kay Pike has made rounds throughout the Internet with her eye popping renditions of famous superhero characters, all purely portrayed by body paint. Its even more impressive when you discover that she does all this work on her own modelling, painting, and designing each of these cosplays herself. With the incredible work that shes contributed to the cosplay realm, its no surprise that Pikes comic book portrayals are some of the most viral ones on the web to date. 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Instagram, Facebooks hotter, snootier subsidiary, may have a massive data breach on its hands. While having quite a wide catalogue of work to choose from and its hard to actually pick a favorite, one of her most popular projects was DC Comics Batgirl, largely borrowing from the New 5. Its amazing how Pike was able to add such depth and detail to a costume while still maintaining its overall cartoon y, boldly lined appearance, but she pulls it off incredibly, and has even gotten the pose, headgear, and cape down pat. Another impressive detail are the pink highlights throughout the suit, bouncing nicely off her backdrop of purple and pink hues. Kay Pike also streams her body painting process on Twitch and has a Patreon for her newest and upcoming projects. Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy has spurred quite a number of cosplay interpretations, though Jessie Meleros rendition of the DC villain is a sure show stopper. Covered in green paint from chest to toe, his model sports the ever striking emerald appearance of Pamela Isley, posing with her venus fly traps or as she so lovingly refers to in the comics, her children. Melero borrows from quite a number of different character versions, including Poison Ivys appearance in Batman The Animated Series, her Uma Thurman portrayal in Batman and Robin, and even a slight touch of her much more updated look from Assault on Arkham as seen from the painted green vines encircling cosplayers legs. The leaves covering her torso and arms are a nice detail, and are a detailed work of art on their own. Jessie Melero has a wide, accomplished repertoire of cosplay related projects, including hand built props, costumes, and most prominently, body painting. Lady Deadpool. Kicking off the list is this absolutely stunning take on everyones favorite mercenary Deadpool by Salt Lake Citys Megan Golden. No doubt is the paint job on this cosplay impressive from the way the artist Wiser Oner has carefully applied all the right contours and highlights to the striking colour and suit details namely the iconic belt and thigh holsters. So were not all that surprised that Goldens portrayal made its rounds throughout the internet. Those perfectly painted abs and cheekbones poking out her mask are an awesome touch, too. Megan Golden is a cosplayer, model, and actress based in Utah. She has featured as both a cosplay guest and a panelist at pop culture conventions, and is additionally a writer and podcaster for Cosplay for All. Her eventually viral Lady Deadpool was first debuted at the Naked Vegas booth of the Wizard World convention in Las Vegas. Cyborg. Cyborg is undoubtedly one of the coolest superheroes in both the Justice League 2. Teen Titans, with his genius level intelligence and ability to manipulate almost any form of technology which, given the era we live in, would be a pretty awesome power to have. With the help of amazing make up artist Lianne Moseley, Gerrick Winston brings this popular DC character to life through some jaw dropping body art that makes you look twice to make sure he isnt wearing an actual cybernetic suit. Detailed with perfect shades of grey and subtle white highlights that give the impression of shiny metal, this cosplay proves that you may not need to go all out with a bulky, engineered superhero get up to turn heads at a con. The extra colours and shading on Winstons face also grant the look more accuracy, making him look almost exactly like Victor Stone himself. She Hulk. She Hulk can be a rather tough cosplay to perfectly pull off, what with her rock hard, perfectly sculpted biceps. Thankfully for Renee Enos, these superhero arms are a part of her natural look, being an enthusiast in not only cosplay, but also health, fitness, and bodybuilding. Applying body paint of the Marvel heroine thus made for a wonderfully accurate, jaw dropping transformation as Enos sports Jennifer Walters iconic look with the perfect physique, detail, and sass. The bold, detailed lines on this cosplay are stunning giving an appearance like she jumped straight out of a comic book. The contouring also gives the look a fine touch, emphasizing her already impressive build. As another amazing tidbit this is also Enos first attempt at body painting. Rogue. Rogue is easily one of X Mens most butt kicking  and terrifying super heroines, absorbing the strength, powers, and memories of anyone who makes unfortunate contact with her skin. UK based cosplayer Eleena pays wonderful tribute to this famous Marvel face, wearing a flawless body paint cosplay of her classic 9.