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Rockford, IL History Historic Rockford Information. Take a look at Rockford's rich history! Click on the links in the list to go to each section on the page: The Early Years. Settlers and Ethnicities. Rockford University. A Growing Settlement.

Top Furniture Industry. Machinery and Manufacturing. The Civil War and Anti- Slavery. Local Civil War Soldiers. Baseball in Rockford.

Early Municipal Politics. Palmer Raids and New Leaders. Camp Grant. Late 2. Century Development. Miscellaneous Rockford History.

Recognized Natives and Residents. The Early Years (1. Rockford, Illinois, was first settled in 1. Germanicus Kent, Thatcher Blake, and Lewis Lemon, who came from Galena and established themselves on the west bank of Rock River; and Daniel Shaw Haight, who founded a settlement on the east bank. Lemon, a slave, later bought his freedom, but stayed in the area as a truck farmer.) Halfway between Chicago and Galena, the community was briefly known as "Midway", but quickly became known as "Rockford", because of the excellent ford across Rock River.

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A post office was established in 1. The settlement was incorporated as a village in 1.

The first weekly newspaper was published in 1. Between 1. 89. 0 and 1. Settlers and Ethnicities. The earliest settlers were chiefly from New York state and New England, but the city early acquired a modest cosmopolitan character. Large numbers of Irish- born immigrants arrived in the 1. Swedish immigrants in 1. After the Civil War, the Swedes began to come in large numbers and quickly became the largest ethnic group in the city.

They settled chiefly on the east side, and in areas along 7th Street or Kishwaukee Avenue the Swedish language was as common as English as late as the 1. Other significant ethnic groups that had a presence in Rockford were the Italians (after 1. Poles and Lithuanians (after 1. Laotians, Vietnamese, and Hispanics (after 1. One of the founders of the city, Lewis Lemon, was an African American, but the black population of the city was very small until the First World War, after which people from the south, particularly Arkansas and Mississippi, arrived.

Rockford University. Rockford Female Seminary was chartered in 1. Rockford College in 1.

On July 1, 2. 01. Rockford University. Best known of the college's graduates is Jane Addams (1. Chicago's Hull House and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (1. Rockford Public Library, the second such institution in Illinois, opened to the public in August 1. A Growing Settlement (1. Rockford is the county seat of Winnebago County, and until the 1.

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But in 1. 85. 1 the Rockford Water Power Company was organized and in 1. Galena & Chicago Union Railroad reached the city.

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By 1. 86. 0 Rockford had become a significant, growing industrial center, noted for production of the John H. Manny reaper and other agricultural machinery. Top Furniture Industry (1. By the 1. 88. 0s a furniture industry was begun, using the talents of Swedish craftsmen and capitalists, and in the first half of the 2. Rockford was the second largest furniture- manufacturing center in the United States.

Many of the furniture companies were cooperatives, reflecting a different business approach from that of the old Yankee entrepreneur, with laborers and craftsmen holding significant power. The agricultural implement industry was in decline by the First World War, and the furniture industry was severely damaged by the Great Depression and the Second World War. By the end of the 1. Machinery and Manufacturing. Rockford's 2. 0th Century industry revolved around machine tools, heavy machinery, automotive, aerospace, fastener and cabinet hardware products, and packaging devices and concepts.

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The city's industrial background has produced many important and interesting inventions, among them the Nelson knitting machine, airbrush, electric brake, electric garage door opener, dollar bill changer, and electronic dartboard. Some defunct Rockford concerns of historical interest are: Air Brush Manufacturing Company, Free Sewing Machine Company, Haddorff Piano Company, Hanson Clock Company, Hess & Hopkins Leather Company, Norse Pottery Company, Rockford Brewing Company, Rockford Silver Plate Company, and Rockford Watch Company.

The Civil War and Anti- Slavery (1. Before the Civil War, Rockford was the center of an avid anti- slavery region. In 1. 84. 5, Rep. Anson Miller introduced a bill in the state legislature in an unsuccessful attempt to repeal the Illinois "Black Laws." Former President Martin Van Buren, running as Free Soil presidential candidate in 1. In 1. 85. 2, Senator John P. Hale, the Free Soil candidate, became the first presidential candidate to visit the city and managed a respectable 2.

In 1. 86. 4, abolitionist H. Ford Douglass was briefly a resident of the city, helping in Lincoln's reelection campaign. After the Civil War, an important civil rights case from Rockford was decided by the Illinois Supreme Court, Chicago & Northwestern Railroad v.

Anna Williams (1. The decision supported African Americans' rights to unhindered use of public transportation, but was decided on such narrow legal grounds it was cited in support of the "separate but equal" doctrine established by the United States Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1. 89. 6). Local Civil War Soldiers. When war broke out in 1.

Illinois military contingents to be mobilized was the Rockford Zouaves. Many of the Zouaves had been members of an earlier company, the Rockford City Greys, which was the first American company trained in the Zouave drill by Elmer Ellsworth. The Zouaves became Company D, 1. Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Their captain, Garrett Nevius, eventually became Colonel of the 1.

Vicksburg in 1. 86. Another prominent Rockford soldier was Lt. Colonel Edward F.

W. Ellis, of the 1. Shiloh in 1. 86. 2.

From July to November 1. Camp Fuller, training ground for the 7. Another Rockford man, Jason Marsh, was Colonel of the 7.

Batter Up!: Baseball in Rockford. In the six years following the Civil War, Rockford became nationally known in baseball circles, with the remarkable success of its Forest City Baseball Club. Led by Albert Spaulding (pitcher) and Ross Barnes (infield), the team had become the most prominent western club and joined the first professional baseball league, the National Association, for the 1. Both stars had been hired away by Boston after the 1. Adrian Anson, playing his first major league season.

Spaulding, Barnes, and Anson went on to significant careers in the National Association and its successor, the National League. Barnes, the first batting champion of the National League, is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Rockford. The city was a member of the Northwestern League, the first minor league, in 1. During the existence of the All American Girls Professional Baseball League, 1. Rockford Peaches, the team featured in the 1.

A League of Their Own. Early Municipal Politics (1. Rockford's municipal politics in the 1.

Century often revolved around liquor issues, the "drys" and the "wets" often being about equal in electoral strength. In the 1. 89. 0s, a national organization, the American Protective Association, anti- Catholic and anti- immigrant, had some effect in municipal politics, but the early 2. Century saw the rise of organized labor as a potent force locally. In 1. 90. 7, Mark Jardine, nominee of the Union Labor League, was elected mayor, and was reelected as an independent in 1. In the 'teens, the labor movement cooperated with the Socialists, and the two groups were able to elect aldermen and other officials, but not a mayor. Led by alderman Oscar Ogren, the labor- Socialist coalition pulled from 2.

Anti- war protests spearheaded by the Industrial Workers of the World led to 1. May Day 1. 91. 9 was celebrated with a large parade, numbering between 1,0. Palmer Raids and New Leaders. In January 1. 92. Rockford was a principal target of the infamous Palmer Raids, and between 1.

The most important result of these raids was the sedition trial of Arthur Person in the Winnebago County Court. Watch Online Watch JCVD Full Movie Online Film more.