Drawn Together Season 2 Episode 6 Free

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Zoo Finale Recap - The End of The World: Season 2 Episode 1. While you wait for our recap head over to check out all CDL’s Zoo recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here. Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates! Robert had had some explaining on tonight’s season finale of “Zoo”.

Robert had apparently told his son Jackson that he had a mysterious group of friends that could help them save the world and so he had to explain just who these people were and what they had been doing this entire time. But the more Robert answered his son’s questions, the more questions he had. Robert it seems had met this group called the Shepherds some while back and he revealed to Jackson that it had been the Shepherds that had been cloning the animals these past few years in hopes of one die fighting the current animal evolution. So Jackson had admittedly been curious about this group because he said that he had never heard of it until his father mentioned them. However, Robert and later his friends even had an answer for that as well.

Robert and the other Shepherd doctors had been cloning certain extinct animals because they knew one day the animals’ DNA might come in handy, but they also knew that others were going to try and stop them if they knew what the Shepherds were truly doing so they came up with a plan for that. The Shepherds had ended up sending Robert to General Davies and it had been their plan to control the general through Robert.

Drawn Together Season 2 Episode 6 Free

Rick’s group and the Alexandrians stand beside a quarry filled with walkers. The quarry exits are being blocked by several large trucks, one of which.

Drawn Together Season 2 Episode 6 Free

Though Robert wasn’t exactly capable of controlling a man like the general. The general had instead sought out Robert’s weakness and had used his son Jackson against him. So General Davies was able to get his hands on the TX gas because he had manipulated Robert Oz rather than the other way around. And so the General had everything he currently needed to go ahead with the NOAH Objective and that was all thanks to Robert.

Robert however, had told Jackson that they could still prevent the NOAH Objective. Robert had said that there was a saber- tooth tiger on the island of Pangea and that his friends could help them get their hands on one. And so all Jackson or his friends needed for the cure was DNA from that saber- tooth tiger. Yet, their guide on the island had told the group that it wouldn’t be easy. Their guide had been Reese and Reese had practically grown up on the island so he knew that the saber- tooth was going to be hard to capture.

Zoo Recap 8/4/15: Season 1 Episode 6 “This Is What It Sounds Like” Zoo Recap – What Doesn’t Cure You Kills You: Season 1 Episode 11.

At least without a lure that is. So Dariela had the bright idea to offer herself up as a lure.

Dariela had told Reese that the animals were targeting her because she was pregnant so she thought that the saber- tooth would come out of hiding if she was out in the open though Abe hadn’t really liked that idea. Abe had thought that Dariela was taking too much of a risk and he didn’t want her or their baby to be in danger.

So Dariela had told Abe that maybe he should just go with them when they went out looking for the giant cat and that way Abe could protect them to his heart content. But the hunt for the saber- tooth hadn’t gone as planned. It had been drawn to Dariela like expected yet it had attacked everyone around her to trap her alone so it had killed Reese and had nearly crippled Abe. And so Abe was lucky in the end. He was able to walk off being nearly mauled to death and still get his hands on the saber- tooth DNA. So the plan to save the world had seemed like it was finally working, but the team still had a problem on their hands. Mitch and Jamie had rejoined the group and had told the others that they had destroyed all the clean DNA.

However, Mitch and Jamie thought they had ended the NOAH Objective by doing that and unfortunately they hadn’t. The NOAH Objective was still going ahead because one of the general’s men had gone rogue and had actually killed the general when General Davies attempted to stop the NOAH Objective in its tracks. The general it seems had known how foolish it would be to kill off all the animals and have no backup plans to repopulate them – his officer on the other hand, refused to see how bad things would be if there weren’t animals around to equalize the ecosystem. Though sending the earth into a freefall as well as killing his own commanding officer hadn’t been the worse of the officer’s offenses.

He had also gone on to kill several of the other men in order to set Mitch, Jamie and surprisingly Logan free however the officer had lied to them when he said he was a secret patriot because he had failed to mention that he was going ahead with the NOAH Objective despite General Davies’s final wish. So Mitch, Jamie, and Logan flew down to Pangea believing they had stopped the animal annihilation when they hadn’t. And to make things worse they now had Logan once again on their hands while back home they were framed as murderers.

And so it was a good thing that no one knew how bad things were at home because their great plan with the cure had had several setbacks of its own. Jackson it seems hadn’t enough of the mutation in his system to properly develop the cure seeing as his father had been giving treatments to keep his condition in check. So Jackson had to detox and doing that the normal way would have taken up to thirty- six hours. Yet, the unconventional way required hooking Jackson up to his father in order to carry out a DNA transfusion though that wasn’t exactly risk- free. The transfusion would get most of the treatments out of Jackson’s blood. So that would mean they could use him again to build the cure yet his father wasn’t really young anymore and the DNA transfusion would be quite dangerous to the older man. But Robert wanted to go ahead and Mitch had felt that Robert owed it to him to help save the cure.

Mitch had sadly found out that Robert and his Shepherd friends had been conduction experiments without anything knowing so eventually he came across something that looked familiar to him in Robert’s lab. Mitch had seen the drug that had caused his daughter’s illness as well as many others. Robert and his friends had said that they had made many mistakes early on, but that they had been trying to do combat the animal apocalypse. So finding out that his daughter was permanently affected because of someone trial and error had been hard on Mitch. However, he told Robert that he could make it up to him with the DNA transfusion. And so Robert had gone ahead with it despite the risks to himself and had died in the end by trying to help the guys complete the cure.

Which he did! Yet, the NOAH Objective was going ahead so the plan to save the world had seemingly been carried out in vain. Mitch had been able to complete the cure and they had given the cure to thousands of birds that would have carried all around the world. Much like any other avian flu with the slight difference being that it would actually do some good for once. So the plan was nearly foolproof and it would have worked though they hadn’t been counting on that one officer that had also followed them back to Pangea.

Mansdale had joined up with them after he allegedly betrayed his own people and so no one had thought to question or his motive until he revealed his true colors by trying to kill them all. Mansadale as it turns out, hadn’t been working alone. Watch Crazy On The Outside Mediafire on this page. He had actually been working with the Shepherds on Pangea who had lied about being allies in the fight against the animals. So whether Robert Oz truly knew who his friends were was a mystery.

Though Jackson and his friends didn’t have time to ponder when they were trying to save themselves from the Shepherds’ other mistakes. The Shepherds had apparently gone through several version of cloning before they were able to get animals like the saber- tooth just right. To keep their mistakes that they fondly treated like pets happy, they gave them a feeding supply and Jackson had almost been a part of their next feed. Watch Somewhere Online Free HD.

Jackson though managed to escape with his friends and the newly found Logan.