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The Forgotten Virtue: Modesty In Dress - Featured Today+J. M. J. A.+ By Monsignor Charles M. Mangan Dress for both men and women has changed dramatically during the last fifty years. Much of what is worn today is meant to expose rather than conceal the human body. For centuries, Christians have looked to the virtue of modesty as it applies to vesture in order to judge what is appropriate. The Catholic tradition has given us a valuable definition of modesty, which is the virtue that regulates one's actions and exterior customs concerning sexual matters.

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It controls one's behavior so as to avoid unlawful sexual arousal in oneself or others. Modesty is one of the Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as "the first fruits of eternal glory": charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self- control, chastity. To dress modestly is to avoid deliberately causing sexual excitement in oneself or one's neighbor. One who dresses modestly shuns clothes that are known or reasonably expected to effect sexual arousal in oneself or others. Modesty is dress pertains to both genders.

Pope Pius XII (1. Magisterium and orthodox spiritual authors, addressed the necessity of cultivating modesty. How many young girls there are who see nothing wrong in following certain shameless styles like so many sheep.

They would certainly blush with shame if they could know the impression they make, and the feelings they evoke, in those who see them. The good of our soul is more important than the good of our body; and we have to prefer the spiritual welfare of our neighbor to our bodily comforts . If a certain kind of dress constitutes a grave and proximate occasion of sin, and endangers the salvation of your soul and others, it is your duty to give it up . O Christian mothers, if you know what a future of anxieties and perils, of illguarded shame you prepare for your sons and daughters, imprudently getting them accustomed to live scantily dressed and making them lose their sense of modesty, you would be ashamed of yourselves and you would dread the harm you are making for yourselves, the harm which you are causing to these children, whom Heaven has entrusted to you to be brought up as Christians. Christian girls, think also of this: the more elegant you will be, and the more pleasing, if you dress with simplicity and discreet modesty." On November 8, 1. Pope Pius presented the still- valid principles of modesty in dress.

Clothing fulfills three necessary requirements: hygiene, decency and adornment. These are "so deeply rooted in nature that they cannot be disregarded or contradicted without provoking hostility and prejudice." Hygiene pertains mostly to "the climate, its variations, and other external factors" (e. Decency involves the "proper consideration for the sensitivity of others to objects that are unsightly, or, above all, as a defense of moral honesty and a shield against disordered sensuality." Adornment is legitimate and "responds to the innate need, more greatly felt by woman, to enhance the beauty and dignity of the person with the same means that are suitable to satisfy the other two purposes." Fashion "has achieved an indisputable importance in public life, whether as an aesthetic expression of customs, or as an interpretation of public demand and a focal point of substantial economic interests. The rapidity of change (in styles) is further stimulated by a kind of silent competition, not really new, between the 'elite' who wish to assert their own personality with original forms of clothing, and the public who immediately convert them to their own use with more or less good imitations." The Pontiff then isolated the difficulty with fashion. The problem of fashion consists in the harmonious reconciliation of a person's exterior ornamentation with the interior of a quiet and modest spirit." Like other material objects, fashion can become an undue attachment- -even perhaps an addiction- -for some persons.

The Church "does not censure or condemn styles when they are meant for the proper decorum and ornamentation of the body, but she never fails to warn the faithful against being casily led astray by them." The human body is "God's masterpiece in the visible world"; Jesus elevated the human body "to the rank of a temple and an instrument of the Holy Spirit, and as such must be respected." Certain fashions and styles "create confusion in well- ordered minds and can even be an incentive to evil." It is possible to declare when the "limits of normal decency" have been violated. This sense of decency sounds an alarm when immodesty, seduction, lust, outrageous luxury or "idolatry of matter" exists. What the Holy Father said in 1. Those who design, promote and sell fashions have considerable responsibility. If, God forbid, anyone purposely inculcates "unchaste ideas and sensations," then "there is present a technique of disguised malice." For decency in dress to be restored, the intention of those who design the fashions and those who wear them must be upright. In both there must be an awakening of the conscience as to their responsibility for the tragic consequences that could result from clothing which is overly bold, especially if it is worn in public." Clearly, "the immorality of styles depends in great part on excesses either of immodesty or luxury." How is immodesty to be judged? The garment must not be evaluated according to the estimation of a decadent or already corrupt society, but according to the aspirations of a society which prizes the dignity and seriousness of its public attire." Wanton luxury is also excessive.

If the use of riches- -even those obtained morally- -is not moderated, then "either frightful barriers will be raised between classes, or the entire society will be set adrift, exhausted by the race toward a utopia of material happiness." Let us contemplate well the following three points concerning modesty in dress. The Influence of Styles. There is a "language of clothing" that communicates certain messages, even destructive ones.

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One who with knowledge and deliberation routinely dresses provocatively so as to entice another to impurity commits a mortal sin. The souls of both are wounded. Jesus demanded purity in glances, thoughts, desires and actions and warned against giving scandal. Isaiah (3: 1. 6- 2. Sion would be dirtied by its daughters' impurity. Pope Pius XII declared: "It might be said that society speaks through the clothing it wears.

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Through its clothing it reveals its secret aspirations and uses it, at least in part, to build or destroy the future." 2. The Importance of Control. Fashion designers, critics and consumers are to recall "that style should be directed and controlled instead of being abandoned to caprice and reduced to abject service." Those who "make style," cannot allow the "craze" to dictate when that particular trend goes against right reason and established morality. Consumers must remember that their "dignity demands of them that they should liberate themselves with free and enlightened conscience from the imposition of predetermined tastes, especially tastes debatable on moral grounds." 3. Moderation is Necessary.

What "Classified Information" Means, and What Happens If You Divulge It. The media is ablaze over President Trump sharing classified information with Russian foreign officials—but what is classified information exactly? And what happens if you disclose it?

Good news: You’ve been granted clearance to acquire this not- quite- top- secret knowledge. What Classified Information Is. Generally speaking, classified information is knowledge or material that a government decides is sensitive and requires some kind of special care or protection. Usually laws or regulations are made so only specific groups of people—usually government officials—can access the restricted content. Ideally, this information is never accessed or learned by those who do not need to know it.

This information could be something relatively mundane to the public, like government office records—or something far more earth- shattering, like the names of covert operatives, locations of weapons of mass destruction, or information about ISIS casually being mentioned to Russian officials over coffee. Basically, it’s the information the U. S. government deems unsafe to be public knowledge. After all, if everyone knew the name of a covert operative, they wouldn’t be covert. If a terrorist organization could Google search where weapons were, they could make devastating precision strikes on those locations.

You get the picture. The internet is aflame with the news that the National Security Agency may be spying on phone calls …Read more Read. The Different Types of Classified Information. To access—or even handle—classified information, you need a formal security clearance issued by the U. S. government. To get this clearance, you need to have a job that requires it, and you must pass a thorough background check. But not all clearances are alike. There are several tiers of classified information sensitivity as defined by Executive Order 1.

Here they are going from least sensitive to most sensitive: Public Trust: General knowledge the public is allowed to know. No clearance required. Confidential: The lowest level of classified information. This information could potentially hamper national security efforts if it was disclosed to the public.

Secret: The second- highest level of classified information, and the level that most classified information is held at. The unauthorized disclosure of Secret- level information would cause serious damage to national security. Top Secret: The highest level of classified information. According to Executive Order 1.

Think secret code words for military operations, nuke codes, and maybe aliens or something. Individuals who hold security clearances may access classified information from their tier, as well as some information from tiers below it if necessary. An official document may be marked with one or several of these levels, depending on the sensitivity of the information. The U. S. government chooses the level based on a thorough impact assessment. The Reluctant Fundamentalist Full Movie Part 1.

There’s also a final non- official category of classified information known as “unclassified.” This is formerly classified information that may be released to those with no security clearance. Information may be disclosed on a “For Official Use Only” basis, like with law enforcement agencies, or be released to the public via the Freedom of Information Act. The internet is full of information, but sometimes what you’re looking for needs a different…Read more Read. What Happens If You Disclose Classified Information. People disclose classified information all the time. Jeffrey Fields, a University of Southern California professor who once held Top Secret clearance, explains that it can be difficult to remember what information learned in oral briefings is considered classified: Government employees sometimes reveal classified details accidentally in casual conversations and media interviews. We may not hear about it because it’s not in the interviewee’s or employee’s interest to point it out after the fact, or he or she may not even realize it at the time..

A former colleague of mine who was a retired CIA analyst used to tell his students he would never knowingly, but almost certainly would inadvertently, share a tidbit of classified information in the classroom. It is very difficult to remember many “smaller” details that are sensitive. So mistakes are not uncommon.

Those with high levels of security clearance deal with a tremendous amount of classified information, and things occasionally slip through the cracks. Take, for example, the case of Senator David Boren accidentally revealing the name of a clandestine CIA agent during a news conference back in 1. Whoops. But what happens if you intentionally disclose classified information without authorization? Well, it’s a federal crime under the Espionage Act of 1. Title 1. 8 of the U. S. Code, Section 7. Basically, it means that anyone who intentionally communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available classified information to an unauthorized person is in big trouble.

If you’ve been watching the Michael Flynn saga unfold, in which Flynn has offered to testify about…Read more Read. This could mean a prison sentence of up to 1. However, the U. S. More often than not, they target whistleblowers who seek to reveal government misconduct, and let other disclosures slide if they’re not intentionally trying to damage the nation’s security. So, what about President Trump? Will he get in trouble for disclosing classified information to Russian officials?

Don’t hold your breath. As Benjamin Wittes, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, explains to Rachel Martin at NPR, the president has control over classified information.. So if the president wants to disclose it, he gets to disclose it. And disclosures that would be a very serious crime if anyone else did them are almost certainly not if the president does them. So, you know, if the question is, is there a criminal problem here, the answer is almost certainly not.

He’s calling the shots when it comes to which information is classified or not, so he can spill the beans all he likes. Of course, Wittes is careful to point out that just because what Trump is doing isn’t technically against federal law doesn’t mean it’s not a problem. Actions like his ruin major intelligence operations by laying out all of our cards to an adversarial power. It’s not illegal, but it’s not ideal either. Whistleblowing is in the news this week: Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is preparing to …Read more Read.

Update: The previous explanation on how different security clearances may access information made it sound like Top Secret clearance may look at any and all classified information they want. This is not true. The text above has been changed to clear this up.