Facing The Giants Full Movie Part 1

Best Deleted Scenes In Superman Movies. Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

Facing The Giants Full Movie Part 1

No, it’s one of the most iconic characters in pop culture history! No character represents the ideal of the superhero more than Clark Kent’s spandex- clad alter ego, and Superman has had almost as beloved a run in the movies as he has in comics. He first appeared in a film serial way back in 1.

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Facing The Giants Full Movie Part 1

Christopher Reeve epitomized the role in four films across the 1. More recent attempts to revive the character have brought him up to speed with the DC Extended Universe and even into conflict with Batman, who he’ll team up with again in next month’s Justice League. But these movies are far from the complete versions of the stories they tell. The Reeve Superman films all had a significant amount of material cut out, much of which was added back in for later TV screenings or DVD releases.

And if you know anything about Zack Snyder, you won’t be surprised to learn that his two Super- movies so far both had much more footage shot than what actually made it into theaters. While many of these scenes were cut for good reasons – not being essential to the plot or making the movie overrun – many others make us wish the editors had been more lenient. From Clark Kent’s investigation into Bruce Wayne to an encounter with Kryptonian war dogs, via some more slapstick encounters with a seesaw and laser eyes, here are fifteen scenes that really could have stepped their movies up a peg…1. Lex Feeds His ‘Babies’ (Superman)Debuting in 1. Christopher Reeve’s incarnation of the Man of Steel became the definitive big screen Superman – while Gene Hackman became the definitive Lex Luthor. This cut sequence sees Luthor send poor Miss Teschmacher to a horrific fate; he has bumbling henchman Otis lower her into a pit, at the bottom of which lives some growling creatures we never actually see. As Teschmacher is lowered towards Luthor’s ‘babies’, the villain delights in playing the piano.

And then, in the nick of time, Superman comes to her rescue. It’s a delightfully wacky scene with a decidedly sinister edge, and if left in the film, it would have helped build Luthor into the nasty figure we all love to hate. Return to Krypton (Superman Returns)After an almost twenty year absence, the film series returned in 2. Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns, which began with the hero arriving back on Earth after a five year absence of his own, somewhere out in space. But where had he been?

This was explored in a scene cut from the beginning of the film. Brandon Routh’s Superman flies a spaceship around the ruins of Krypton. This attempt to learn about his past leads to finding a giant letter ‘S’ in the style of the Superman logo, but also to some serious Kryptonite deposits.

When exposed to this, he barely escapes with his life. Not only is it a visually impressive scene, but it actually explains where Superman has been and why. It also reveals what actually happened to leave him in a weakened state upon his arrival back on Earth. Clark Investigates Batman (Batman V Superman)Zack Snyder’s preferred cut of Batman V Superman ran to a whopping three hours. This was cut down for the theatrical release, but half an hour was restored for the Ultimate Cut, available on home media. One of the most interesting of these sequences sees Clark Kent use his journalism skills to learn more about Batman.

Sent to Gotham to cover a football match, Kent instead seeks out Kahina Ziri, only to find she’s gone. He then speaks to her neighbors about Batman, learning about the Bat’s brutality and being warned to leave the city before dark. Though we get why the film was cut down, it’s a shame to have lost this sequence, as it’s nice to see Clark exercise his journalistic skills. Plus, it actually gives him motivation for his vendetta against Batman.

Zod Enters The Fortress Of Solitude (Superman II)We’ve had a Lex Luthor deleted scene, now it’s time for that other key part of Superman’s rogues gallery – the Kryptonian rebel General Zod, who terrorized Earth in 1. Superman II. Cut from the latter act of the film, this scene sees Zod and his followers, Ursa and Non, try to break into the Fortress of Solitude, with Lex Luthor and a captive Lois Lane in tow. Non’s first attempt to get through the door ends in a painful- looking electric shock, but with what Zod terms ‘the strength of three’, the trio of villainous Kryptonians then successfully fly into Superman’s base. The scene helps build up Zod and his team as serious opponents to Superman, able to counter any of his defences. Plus, it’s never a bad thing to spend more time with the sinisterly bearded Terence Stamp. Baby Kal Blows Up The Doctors (Man Of Steel)Kicking off the DC Extended Universe, Superman returned to theaters with 2. Man of Steel. Starring Henry Cavill, this gave us a whole new version of Superman’s origin story, but an extra scene of the young Clark Kent’s upbringing was cut from the proceedings.

This sequence sees Jonathan and Martha Kent, after noticing their adopted baby exhibiting some unusual behaviors, take Clark to a pediatrician. The doctor does a hearing test on Clark, dialing up various sounds, only for the young Kryptonian to respond by screaming – and smashing all the building’s windows. This was cut because it was too tonally different to the Armageddon on Krypton shortly before it, but it nevertheless sounds like a fun scene that we would like to have seen. Watch Page Eight Putlocker#.

It’s a shame that it’s not turned up on any DVD releases, then. Saving A Kid From A See- Saw (Superman III)Superman III isn’t many people’s favorite movie in the series, and is often criticized for prioritizing slapstick humor over good storytelling. But we can’t help but smile when we see this particular moment of silliness. A young boy’s mother sits him down on a seesaw, only for some construction workers to drop a heavy object from a crane onto the other end. The kid goes flying, reaching a sudden arboreal stop in a nearby tree. Thankfully, Superman isn’t too far away, and comes to the child’s rescue. It’s always good to see Supes saving everyday people in (sort of) everyday situations in between fighting the universe’s supervillains.

Plus, in a movie that features Richard Pryor skiing off the top of a skyscraper, what harm would one more gag have done? Luthor Communes With Steppenwolf (Batman V Superman)Gene Hackman was a tough Lex Luthor to beat, so Batman V Superman went a very different route with the character and cast the much younger Jesse Eisenberg.

Not all of his scenes made the theatrical cut, though, including this one, which made its way online soon after the film’s release. After accessing the database of the Fortress of Solitude, Luthor makes communion with Steppenwolf, hench- god of Darkseid and commander of the Parademon army. Steppenwolf appears to teach Luthor about the Mother Boxes, alien tech originally owned by Darkseid. But before they can continue their lesson, Luthor is interrupted by armed troops. Though not strictly relevant to the plot of Batman V Superman, it’s an intriguing tease for storylines to come in the DC movies – we’ll be seeing more of Steppenwolf soon in Justice League. Superman’s Sickness (Superman IV)Like the movie immediately before it, Superman IV: The Quest For Peace is generally regarded as a super- failure, crammed with boring action, cheap effects, and a very hamfisted anti- nuclear message.

Giants Cut Michael Bowie Following Domestic Assault Charge. The Giants cut lineman Michael Bowie today, a week after he was charged with domestic violence in Bixby, Oklahoma. In a statement, Giants General Manager Jerry Reese said: We have waived Michael Bowie. As we have already stated, we were made aware of this situation on Saturday.

The league has started to gather more information. That process will continue.

The outcome of that process will determine whether there is another opportunity here for Michael. According to local news reports, the incident happened on July 3.

Bowie and his girlfriend were fighting over finances, and then it became physical when his girlfriend made a remark about Bowie’s mother, the Tulsa County Assistant District Attorney Kenneth Elmore said, according to Tulsa World. The report added: Elmore said police determined Bowie grabbed his girlfriend by the neck during the argument and threw her on the ground, then broke two TVs and punched a hole in her wall.

Bowie turned himself in on Monday and paid $1. His agent, Peter Schaffer, told the New York Daily News that he’s innocent: “Michael is an upstanding man, very remorseful about any negative publicity this might bring to the Giants and to the NFL,” Schaffer said. Watch Camp Rock Online Freeform. We are going to work tirelessly to make sure he is exonerated.

We’ve talked to all the witnesses and are 1. The charges reportedly include one count of domestic assault and battery and two counts of malicious injury or destruction of property. Calls to Elmore and Bixby police were not returned.