Louie Season 4 Episode 14 Pamela Part 3

NOVA - Official Website . Yet we're unmistakably tied to our ape origins.

Millions of years ago, we were apes, living ape lives in Africa. So how did we get from that to this?

Louie Season 4 Episode 14 Pamela Part 3

Louie lacks a regular fixed cast, and instead features many guest.

What happened? What set us on the path to humanity? The questions are huge. But now there are answers. At the threshold of humanity, one ancestor contains tantalizing secrets. It is known as Homo erectus.

RICHARD WRANGHAM (Harvard University): Homo erectus had a slightly smaller brain, slightly bigger jaw, but it's basically us. NARRATOR: Basically us, almost 2,0. New finds are revealing the truth about the ancestors at the heart of our evolution. Here were the trailblazers who first left Africa: the first fire makers, the first hunters. JOHN SHEA (Stony Brook University): These creatures were capable of analyzing possible uses of tools and coming up with a technological solution to the problem: how do you kill a big, dangerous animal without getting killed yourself.

Mother Nature Network is the world's leading source for environmental news, advice on sustainable living, conservation and social responsibility.

NARRATOR: Homo erectus pioneered what it means to be human, colonizing whole continents and creating the first human societies. SARAH BLAFFER HRDY (University of California, Davis): Our ancestors began to care about what others thought and care about what that individual thought about them. NARRATOR: Now, new discoveries are bringing them alive as never before. At last we come face to face with the ancestors at the birth of humanity, right now on NOVA. Major funding for NOVA is provided by the following: I've been growing algae for 3. Most people try to get rid of algae; we're trying to grow it. The algae are very beautiful.

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Louie Season 4 Episode 14 Pamela Part 3
  1. TVGuide has every full episode so you can stay-up-to-date and watch your favorite show Gunsmoke anytime, anywhere.
  2. The home sites for this guide are http:// for show info and http:// for episode details. Contact Us: To correct episode titles click.
  3. With Louis C.K., Hadley Delany, Ursula Parker. Louie is a stand-up comedian and divorced father of two girls. This series follows him through his everyday life, as he.
  4. It seemed like the Zapata campaign erected a mockup for a political ad with placeholder text where the final hashtag was to be printed. Social media denizens began.
  5. An Episode Guide by Russell Wodell Last updated: Sat, 14 May 2005 06:00: aired from: Sep 1989 to: Jul 1998: 215 eps: ABC / CBS: 30 min: stereo: closed captioned.

And David H. And.. Discover new knowledge: HHMI. And by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and viewers like you. Thank you. NARRATOR: The Great Rift Valley of East Africa. Two million years ago, these spectacular plains and canyons witnessed a mysterious event: the birth of the first ancestor we can really call human.

New discoveries are revealing a creature surprisingly like us, a world traveler, a toolmaker, a hunter, tamer of fire, creator of the first human societies. Amazingly, the qualities that make us human began not with our own species, Homo sapiens; the true birth of humanity began much further back in time, millions of years ago. Watch Silence 4Shared.

Imagine the entire span of recorded human history, taking us back to the Egyptian pyramids, about 5,0. Double it: 1. 0,0. Double it again, 2. Ice Age hunters are painting stunning images on cave walls. And keep doubling six more times: only then do we encounter our ancestor, Homo erectus, in Africa's Great Rift Valley.

For millions of years, this massive geological fault line running the length of East Africa was a stage on which our human evolution was played out. It all started with the first apes to walk upright on two legs, about 6,0.

There were many different types, all variations on the same theme: ape- like creatures with small brains. The fossil known as Lucy is the most famous example. Here she is: just three- foot, eight- inches tall, with a brain the size of a chimp's. For millions of years, creatures like her roamed the forests and grasslands of Africa.

But then something changed. About 2,0. 00,0. 00 years ago, new creatures appeared with abilities never seen before in the animal kingdom.

Meet Homo erectus, a toolmaker and hunter, one of the first members of our genus, the genus Homo, humans. DANIEL LIEBERMAN (Harvard University): The transition to Homo was probably one of the most important transformations that occurred in human evolution. Watch Online Watch Dutch Kills Full Movie Online Film there. NARRATOR: Arms got thinner, legs got longer, brains got bigger. It was a huge evolutionary step from ape bodies to bodies like ours. But what about the things that make us distinctly human? Creativity, intelligence, caring for each other; how can we know when these got started?

With only skulls and bone fragments to go on, how could we ever know what those first humans were really like? It would take a momentous find to shed light on their lives. Lake Turkana, Northern Kenya: surrounded by volcanoes and vast expanses of baking desert. In 1. 98. 4, famed anthropologists Richard and Meave Leakey were working at this remote inland sea. MEAVE LEAKEY (National Geographic Explorer- in- Residence): I was actually on the east side of the lake. And then Richard flew over and said, . There's something really exciting.

But this was very special. One of Leakey's team had found a skull fragment of one of those early humans. He could tell from its size and shape it was Homo erectus. And there was more than just a fragment. RICHARD LEAKEY (National Geographic Grantee): So we started looking at the site on a more extensive basis. And of course once we did, we found the rest of the skull.

NARRATOR: A complete skull was rare enough, but it was just the beginning. Soon parts of the Homo erectus skeleton which had never been found before, started to emerge. MEAVE LEAKEY: We couldn't believe it, but we started getting pieces of ribs.

These were the parts of Homo erectus that nobody actually knew about, nobody had ever seen before. So every bone that came out of the ground was something brand new to science.

And we were looking at these things, and it was really amazing. NARRATOR: And here they are: the actual bones of a human ancestor who lived over one and a half million years ago. It's the earliest human skeleton ever discovered. The Leakeys called him . We've got arms and legs, and bits of his spine and his ribs.

And usually when we find these things, we get very excited about one little bit of bone, but that little bit can't tell us very much about an individual. So having a nearly complete skeleton, we can start to ask big questions. NARRATOR: The first big question was, . But how close? Paleoartist Viktor Deak specializes in painting and sculpting our human ancestors with precise anatomical accuracy. Shanghai Calling Movie Watch Online.

Viktor is going to add Turkana Boy to his family of ancient faces. VIKTOR DEAK (Paleoartist): At this stage of the game, I know that Turkana Boy is not an ape. He is a very early, true human. And so, here, we have a modern human skull. The faces are very similar to one another, but Turkana Boy's skull is a bit more primitive and has a lower forehead and a much smaller brain capacity.

NARRATOR: Viktor will build Turkana Boy's face, muscle by muscle, based on his studies of cadavers and modern anatomy. While his head may be primitive, Turkana Boy's skeleton is surprisingly human. His hips are a little wider, his arms a little longer, but his overall body shape is just like ours. VIKTOR DEAK: Turkana Boy and erectus, that's something that if you were to see from a hundred feet away, you would think, ?

But it's a human. NARRATOR: It will take Viktor a week to flesh out Turkana Boy's face. Meanwhile, a team of animators is at work creating scenes that will bring Turkana Boy and his people to life. To make sure they do it accurately, they have enlisted the help of Harvard anthropologist Dan Lieberman. DANIEL LIEBERMAN: They had a more forward position of the palms when they ran, just slightly.

There you go. NARRATOR: The blue suited actors are there to create movement references for the artists. In the final animations, they will be replaced by Homo erectus bodies.. GRAHAM TOWNSLEY (Director): And.. NARRATOR: .. their heads and faces based closely on Viktor's model.

Pamela Adlon - IMDb. Everyone Leaves. (voice, as Pamela Segall). Gen. Jenny Sheinfeld. Pamela Segall). .. Jenny Sheinfeld. (as Pamela Segall).