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More Reasons I No Longer Date Black Women – Return Of Kings. When I wrote the prequel to this column a little over a year ago I predictably received my share of “fan mail” from angry sistas and their army of sexless simps.

I was called a sellout, race traitor, and every other typical insult they could think of. Being the ball busting bastard I am, I’ve decided to add another installment. This one will be a little different in that I’ll address some of the ringing endorsements I received from the so- called “black community” at large for my blasphemy. They are not submissive. This one is a sub- category of their lack of femininity I touched on in the first article. The bottom line here is that they refuse to cater to their men (or maybe they just don’t know how) and get extremely huffy when there’s a hint of authority in your voice when giving them instructions. A quick example: In my fledgling stages of implementing red pill game, I was on my way to pick up this chick I’d been seeing for a couple weeks.

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I called her up and said “Get dressed, I’m on my way.”She responded by saying “Tch…. I’ll get dressed when I want to.” I was a little surprised at her response (remember, I was still a tadpole level player) but the more of them I dated the more of a pattern this seemed to become.‘Strong black women’ don’t respond well to authoritative men. For whatever reason black women take exception to being told what to do. It’s as though it triggers an involuntary rebellious response that tells them to push back regardless of the circumstances. According to a couple of my buddies, this is one of the leading reasons fights start with them in the first place. They “value” black men because we’re their only option. Coming to the realization she’ll attract very few men outside her race.

Men with options aren’t about to be some woman’s backup plan. Black women are always complaining about black men on something or another. Among the most popular is “Black men don’t value us like we value them.”Hypergamy knows no color or race.

If white men, the men highest on the totem pole in terms of SMV, were to show more interest in black women, sisters would jump ship in a New York minute. All women aim to consolidate on the highest value male they can find, skin tone be damned. Athlone Mc. Ginnis did a piece a while back on why black women love the TV show Scandal. The show’s main character, Olivia Pope, is a black woman who is a crisis management expert, specifically in the field of politics.

She begins a torrid affair with the President, who is white, despite the fact that a high value black man, Edison Davis, is all but throwing himself at her. Red pill aware black men don’t hate on stuff like this. We understand the game. This comes as no surprise to the unplugged as we have a good working knowledge of a woman’s imperative. The truth is, if the President of that show were black and Edison white, Olivia would still be fucking the President. Women are attracted to the highest status males they have access to, regardless of race, and Pope is no exception. Professional athletes like De.

Marco Murray, Robert Griffin III, and Tiger Woods catch heat from black women for marrying or dating white women (or a woman who isn’t black). But where’s all their anger and outrage over celebrities like Stacey Dash, Halle Berry, or Zoe Saldana for marrying outside their race? Where’s all the outrage? It doesn’t exist because they understand that snagging the highest value male is part of the game. Unfortunately they don’t seem to want to acknowledge the pendulum swings both ways.

At this point it’s safe to say that as far as black females are concerned, black men are a static “Plan B.”3. They don’t give head. Ahhh, the elephant in the room. Cathouse The Series Season 2 Episode 6. It’s common knowledge that when it comes to the task of a woman getting on her knees, black girls seem to be allergic to fellatio. Even in my beta days when I was fucking them left and right, I can only remember a few of them giving me head and that’s probably an overstatement. Women know giving up the booty is easy.

But a blowjob is the most submissive thing a she can do for a man. Being a “strong and independent black woman” doesn’t allow her relinquish that power to a man. I’m fairly certain that if word got out that they’ve started following in the footsteps of their Hispanic, Asian, Indian, and : :: gasp: :: Caucasian sisters and started using their mouths to pleasure men, they’d probably start getting more attention for this reason alone. Don’t get me wrong—I’m sure there are men out there who don’t mind not getting head from their women. But I’m not one of them, nor will I ever be. They don’t know their place.

Thanks to ridiculous television shows and Tyler Perry movies, black women seem to think they, not their men or husbands, should be the head of household. They honestly believe they should handle all the finances and make all the important decisions. If challenged, they retaliate with a loud rebuttal that is nothing short of condescending.

No need to wonder where his headache is coming from. A good friend of mine back east is a retired cop (I mentioned him around the mid point of this article) whose best friend and lifelong partner on the force is black. There was never a shortage of stories he’d tell us about his friend’s wife getting all up in arms when Harrison, his partner, made even the smallest purchase without her consent.

Obviously Harrison had neither the game, nor the respect to quell his wife’s behavior. But no matter how much game a man has, it’s a constant uphill battle dealing with a woman who believes it is her birthright to be in charge.

Men with options simply aren’t going to deal with women who are bossy bitches. Period. 1. Their expectations are WAY too high. This dude better be rich or he’s gettin’ no play. The movie Something New coined a new acronym that quickly permeated the mindset of black females everywhere: I. B. M. or Ideal Black Man. Basically, an “IBM” is tall, great looking, makes six figures, drives a luxury vehicle, lives in a penthouse in the city, and has washboard abs to boot. To be fair, most Western females have these expectations, but black women act more entitled to this mythical man than any other race.

It amazes me how women who act mannish, don’t know their roles as women, and don’t suck dick are the most outraged they don’t have dozens of Morris Chestnuts beating down their doors.“Fan Mail”I’m pretty sure there are a few black women reading this who are snarling at their screens right as well as a few black men pretending to be outraged (brothers, stop lying to yourselves…. I posted the first installment. To get your creative juices going and continue the “debate” (because surely attraction can be negotiated right?) I’ve decided to address the typical mud slinging that happens with columns like these: “You hate yourself!”Typical projection play. Black women hate themselves because they’re not preferred by the vast majority of men (and who can blame them) so they use the straw man “self hate” argument to deflect their pain. They simply want to make themselves feel better about to fact that the men who used to want to fuck them are finding greener pastures with other breeds of female by telling us we ‘hate’ ourselves. Any man getting regular sex from females who aren’t masculine a live for going down on him is far from hating himself.

I speak from personal experience.“You can’t handle a strong black woman!”Putting up with a bossy, mannish woman who wakes up with an attitude problem is something I don’t tolerate with any woman. You want to show me strength? Embrace true femininity, and then channel it. I’ll manhandle you all you want.“How can you bad mouth black women when you were raised by one?”Easy.

Watch Ringer Episodes Online. Binge- watching TV shows has become more of a lifestyle than a hobby for me because I hate cliffhangers. I am a true millennial in the sense that I’m incredibly impatient and need everything provided for me instantly – especially answers to plot points in television series. That said, I finally rewatched a show I had watched when it was on air a few years back, Ringer and I was so glad I didn’t have to wait through commercials or days until the next episode aired.

Ringer is a concluded TV drama that lasted only one season, which I attribute to being aired on a younger- viewer network. At the time of Ringer’s premiere, the CW was already in talk of ending it’s front- running series Gossip Girl and was looking for a replacement; however, Ringer’s complex drama about murder and deception was not the right fit to replace Gossip Girl’s quick- witted sass and the Upper East Side drama of love affairs. Had Ringer been picked up my a more mature- audience based network, like ABC, it definitely would’ve hit it’s target audience and lasted much longer. This show, though short lived, was thankfully aired in a full order of 2. Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) to television.

The story revolves around twin sisters Siobhan and Bridget, both played by Gellar. Siobhan is a New York socialite who well- off, married, and apparently leading a perfect life.

Bridget is just reaching her six months in sobriety and is trying to regain her life and mend relationships, including that with her sister. While trying to get out of the bad area she is in, Bridget becomes witness to a murder by a major crime lord and, with the gang trying to silence her witness, she seeks refuge with the police. She and Siobhan plan a sister day where they take a boat out into the ocean to escape the bustle of the city; however, Bridget passes out at sea and wakes up to an empty boat and Siobhan’s wedding ring in a pill bottle. Thinking her sister committed suicide, Bridget decides it’s best to assume her sister’s identity to keep herself safe from the criminals who are after her.

She later finds out that her sister, too, had secrets and discovers she may not be any safer as Siobhan than she was as Bridget. The show deals with a lot of issues from drug use to self- isolation and depression. The characters, setting, and elements added to the well- executed shots in the series make it so enchanting to the eye. What I believe really makes this show so incredibly captivating, aside from the majestic Sarah Michelle Gellar and the complexity of her characters, is the beautiful cinematography. The show uses a lot of mirror shots, which works beautifully with the concepts uses in the series like the idea of appearance vs. I find the first episode to be exceptionally stunning. So, if you’re looking for something to add to your Netflix queue – Ringer Season 1 is available for instant streaming.

Trust me, this is one show you won’t want to miss.