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Michael Jackson Hero. Recorded on February 1st, 2.

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Henson Recording Studios, formerly A& M Recording Studios) “We Are The World 2. For Haiti”, in which Quincy Jones and Lionel Richie serve as executive producers and producers, was created in collaboration with executive producers Wyclef Jean, Randy Phillips and Peter Tortorici; producers Humberto Gattica and Red. One; and co- producers Rickey Minor, Mervyn Warren and Patti Austin to benefit the Haitian earthquake relief efforts and the rebuilding of Haiti. Academy Award- winning writer- director Paul Haggis (Crash, Million Dollar Baby), whose own personal efforts as well as those of [More].

Colonial Immigrants - Ancestral Memories. Benjamin of Providence, R. I., b. in England about 1. Providence, R. I., in 1. Elizabeth White. She died in Providence, R. I. in 1. 70. 0/1. She was dau. of William and Elizabeth White of Boston, Mass.

William White came to America on the ship "Increase" Apr. Boston in 1. 64. 6 and went from Boston to Providence, R.

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I., where he lived for some years, and later returned to Boston. William White was a bricklayer. His wife, Elizabeth, died, and he married 2nd in 1. P_______ Wood; he died, will dated Oct. Isaac and Cornelius, 1. Susannah who married Thos. Waggett; Eliz. who married Benjamin Harrington; Margaret, who married Thomas Wallen, and Ursula, who married John Bennett, and also to son, William, William, Sr.

Mavericks in 1. 64. Just when Benjamin came to Providence isn't known. In 1. 66. 2 he bought from William and Elizabeth White, his wife's parents, a house and lot of 2. Providence, the money being paid by his wife, Elizabeth Harrington. He was connected with Rhodes and Westcott, land brokers. Benjamin's will, under which his children and wife were bequeathed his property, was dated Feb. One June 9, 1. 70.

Isaac. He was a close friend of Roger Williams whith whom one record says he was connected by marriage. Many of his descendants served in the Rev. War. In the earliest lot of 2. Providence, Jan. 1. John Clawson and Benjamin Herendeen. Their families were very intimate, probably related by marriage. Clawson was hired servant for Roger Williams.

On the night of Jan. Clawson was attacked from behind a thicket of barberry bushes, near north burial ground by an Indian named Waumanio, whom Clawson supposed to be instigated there to by Herendeen. Watch Blackfish Online Blackfish Full Movie Online. At first assault thereto, Clawsons chin was split open by a blow with the broad axe, from the effects of which he soon afterwards died, but not before he had pronounced the strange curse upon his murderer, which the legend records as having been so strangely fulfilled, "That he and his prosterity might be marked with split chins and be haunted with barberry bushes." More than a century later testimony was collected in proof of this dying malediction. By this it appeared that the descendants of the murderer were remarkable for the excavated or furrowed chin which caused the curse of Clawson to be kept in remembrance, and many a quarrel was excited at huskings and frolics by mention of the words "Barberry bushes." "The Curse of Clawson," with singular evidences of its fulfillment was collected from the most responsible sources by the Hon. Theodore Foster and also an account of the murder and trial, with a copy of a letter from Roger Williams, May 1. Foster manuscripts.

Attached to the Williams letter is a memorandum which says: "This paper was taken to Newport by Theodore Foster and was read in Capt. Garner's packet on Sunday, June 2. General Assembly of Providence, among whom was present, Robert Harris, Esq., who informed them, etc., "of the attack on Clawson as set forth above, but he states that the Clawson "Indian was instigated thereto by John Benjamin Harrington. In Rhode Island Trials, Vol. The Indian confessed to the killing of Clawson and was sentenced to be executed. Harrington, charged as an accessory, was cleared by the jury and court. After Benjamin's death, his wife, Elizabeth, married Richard Pray.

On May 4, 1. 67. 0, the General Assembly imposed a fine on him, but this fine was remitted by the Assembly. July 1, 1. 67. 9 he was taxed 1s.

Mar. 1. 6, 1. 68. General Assembly to remit sentence on Gen. Ct. of Trials against his wife, Elizabeth, he pleaded great poverty and debility of himself and his wife, and the fine was absolutely remitted. May 2. 6, 1. 68. 4 he had 6. Apr. 2. 0, 1. 68. Benjamin 6. 0 acres with meadow, he being destitute of a place of settlement.

Mar. 3, 1. 68. 6, he and wife deeded son Joseph 6. Providence. Feb. 1, 1. Apr. 4, 1. 68. 8. Sept. 1, 1. 68. 8, the estate of Benjamin, deceased was taxed 4s.

Oct. 2. 0, 1. 68. Richard Pray), deeds to her son, Isaac, homestead, houses, orchard, etc., given her for life by will of her late husband. Dec. 1. 3, 1. 70. Joseph Whipple house an 1. Benjamin, and willed her for life, then to son Isaac, who released her. Watch Bones Season 6 Episode 1 on this page. June 1. 9, of same year: "Whereas there is fame gone abroad that there is some person intending to purchase the house and land joining which lieth in Town of Providence and Colony of Rhode Island, and which formerly belonged to Benjamin Herendeen, Sr.

Isaac, son of said Benjamin Herendeen.""These are therefore to signify unto all persons whatsoever, that to the said house Isaac hath no right or interest, but that the right, title, etc., wholely belongeth unto me, Elizabeth Pray, widow, formerly Elizabeth Herendeen.""Providence, 1. March, 1. 67. 4- 5, so- called. Received this present day above said, of Ben Hernden six shillings nine pence which makes up ye full sum of eleven pounds for which I sold to him ye home and land which was John Clawson's, and hereby receiving this last payment of Benjamin Hernd I declare my self full satsified and doe hereby fully discharge the said Benjamin of ye payment aforesaid. Witness my hand, Roger Williams."Enrolled ye 1.

May 1. 67. 5 by me John Smith, Clerk."Oath of Allegiance, the 1. We whose names are hereafter subscribed, having obtained a free grant of 2. Town of Providence, do thankfully accept the same and hereby promise to yield active or passive to the authority of King and Parliament established in this colony according to our charter, adn to all such wholesome laws and orders that are or shall be made by the major consent of the Town of Providence, as also not to claim right to the purchase of said plantation nor any privileges of vote in Town affairs until we shall be received as freemen of said town of Providence."There were 2. Banjamin Hearndean, mark, X (he having signed by mark.)He signed many documents with his mark, and scarcely any two were alike in spelling. He even signed his X to the name of Herndell. In England the name is spelled Harrington, and variations of the name, Herendeen are not known among British Genealogists. Tradition states that he was one of the three brothers who came to Boston from England, He was a close friend of Roger Williams, and a man of influence and considerable land.

He swore allegiance in May, 1. Providence at the General Court held at Norwick, May 1. In answer to a letter from the Massachusetts Colony, touching the return of an apprentice to his master in the Bay, it is ordered that of the said apprentice, his father Benjamin Herendon, in whose keeping the said apprentice is, do not return the said apprentice speedily unto the Bay, the constable shall forthwith apprehend him and convey him to his master." - - 1.

Benjamin Herendeen "The Rogue of Rhode Island"1. Massachusetts and Rhode Island This story is extracted from Benjamin Harrington the Rogue of Rhode Island.  The Hearnden Line, compiled by Mrs. J. M. Morrison, 1. Winifred (Lovering) Holman, S. B.; F. A. S. G., Lexington, Massachusetts. A copy is available at the library of The New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston, Massachusetts. It is also extracted from the Harrington Research Bulletin.

It should be noted that Benjamin Harrington (Herendeen) was not the son of John and Anne (Clinton) Harrington of Charlestown, Massachusetts as appears in some sources. The surname Herendeen is identical with Herenden, Harandine, Hardine, Harrenden, Harraden, Haranden, and Harrington, and there are various other spellings. It generally became established as Harrington by the third generation in New England. Benjamin Herendeen the immigrant ancestor of all the early Rhode Island families of this surname, was born probably in England and settled at Providence, Rhode Island. He died at Providence, Rhode Island about February 1. He married Elizabeth White, daughter of William and Elizabeth White, in Massachusetts in 1. Elizabeth was born about 1.

Providence, Rhode Island. In 1. 68. 8, after Benjamin Herendeen died in 1.