Watch Once In A Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story Of The New York Cosmos Online Forbes

Medora Poster Artwork - Dylan. The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos. I watched it more than once! But you almost have to watch it twice to fully. Professor of theoretical physics, best selling author and populizer of science. If there’s one car that really, truly got me into cars, it has to be the Porsche 911. I have seen many very good Porsche 911s in my lifetime, but Leh Keen’s off.

The Extraordinary Story of the Cincinnati Comets. Having once been a soccer detractor, I came around as a fan in 2. In 2. 01. 2, I wrote a piece speculating on whether or not Cincinnati could support a Major League Soccer franchise. In 2. 01. 5, I was an early adopter of FC Cincinnati; I bought season tickets and helped establish a supporters group. Since FCC’s incredibly successful first season, a lot has been written about their ambitions to jump from the lower divisions and join MLS. I’m content to support them at any level; however, I do believe that joining the nation’s top league is not only a good thing but also something achievable.

Monitoring MLS expansion and lower division American soccer over the past few years has been fascinating. It got me thinking about past Cincinnati teams, where those teams went, and why they didn’t make it. In this website’s From the Archives series, I wrote about an abandoned stadium that also told the tale of one former club.

That lead me to others—particularly the Cincinnati Comets, a franchise long lost to the dustbin of history. All that remains of the Comets' story is a small Wikipedia page, a few online factoids, and articles in newspaper archives. I think the team's story is one worth telling—one that should be remembered alongside the story of American soccer’s evolution, of Cincinnati’s departed NBA team, and of the city's missed chance at an NHL team. The Extraordinary Story of the Cincinnati Comets. Prologue. I’m a sucker for ESPN’s documentaries.

No matter the topic, these films drag me in. They’re not solely about sports; they also do a fairly great job of capturing moments in history.

A particular favorite is “Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos,” which covers not only the rise and fall of one of America’s most well- known soccer teams but also the history of the once prominent, original North American Soccer League. I'm not from New York, and I wasn't born until five years after the first iteration of the Cosmos played their final game, but I still find the story captivating. The team rocketed from relative obscurity and a revolving door of venues to packing 7. Giants Stadium while international stars such as Pelé, Franz Beckenbauer, and Giorgio Chinaglia played alongside American characters like Shep Messing.

Watch Once In A Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story Of The New York Cosmos Online Forbes

The Cosmos' story ends with aging and departing stars, an attempted hostile takeover at the corporate level, and rising expenses that would also force the entire league to close up shop in 1. For a good while, though, soccer had found mainstream success on network TV, and it was competing for the attention of sports fans along with the more established athletic leagues of MLB and NFL. The type of soccer infatuation experienced by the NASL would not be seen again until Major League Soccer matured into what it is today. Even so, as MLS continues to grow and seek out better television deals, its comparison to those bygone days of the Cosmos and the NASL is debatable. When I look into and read about these sports stories of the past, I always like to think about where my hometown of Cincinnati fits into all of it. I wonder why Cincinnati didn’t try to get in on the action as the Cosmos were making headlines and as soccer was gaining notoriety. I’ve always enjoyed the histories of the Bengals and Reds, and I’m fascinated by the stories of the Cincinnati Royals, our NBA team that left town, and by the Cincinnati Stingers, the World Hockey Association team that was this close to joining the NHL.

Watch Once In A Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story Of The New York Cosmos Online Forbes

So where was our soccer team? These days, FC Cincinnati is enjoying record crowds and season ticket numbers rivaling teams in the top league they’re attempting to join. Among all the headlines in their inaugural 2.

  1. Why Do Artists Move to Abstracts? pursuit of the extraordinary medley of colours that was for. was recently held at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.
  2. John Forbes Nash (A. Nash was his wife was Watch his story in the movie, A. Marcy Borders took refuge in a nearby office building when New York& Twin.
  3. A New Business Look at a Legendary Sports Franchise. The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos. Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of.
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English club Crystal Palace. Hailing from the top European league, the English side came across the pond to play the upstart local division 3 outfit in a friendly. A sold- out crowd of 3. University of Cincinnati’s Nippert Stadium for the historic match. A Cincinnati Enquirerarticle from June 2.

Greater Cincinnati area.”. In fact, FC Cincinnati wasn’t even the first association football club to call Nippert Stadium home. That distinction belongs to the Cincinnati Comets. As far as friendlies go, even the Comets weren’t the first to host a visiting international squad.

Rather, an amateur Cincinnati team took on “The Pilgrims” of England (assumed to be Plymouth Argyle F. C.) during their American tour in 1. By the early 1. 97. North American Soccer League was finding its way into the hearts and minds of American sports fans, Cincinnati was actually attempting to get in on the action. Brandishing a space- themed name similar to the Cosmos of New York, the Cincinnati Comets were hoping to ride the wave of association football popularity taking over the country. 1. Here Come the Comets. Allow me to paint for you the Queen City sports picture of spring 1.

The Cincinnati Royals—formerly the Rochester Royals—of the NBA were finishing up their last season at the Cincinnati Gardens and getting ready for their move to Kansas City (and eventually Sacramento, where they’re known today as the Kings). The Reds had just kicked off Opening Day of their third season in a relatively new Riverfront Stadium; this season ultimately ended in a National League title but a World Series loss to the Oakland A’s, but “The Big Red Machine” was just getting started. The Bengals of the NFL had merged over with their AFL brethren and would begin their fifth season at the end of the year. Meanwhile, the Cincinnati Swords of the American Hockey League had made the playoffs in their inaugural season, but they would ultimately lose to Baltimore. Baseball was resuming its tradition, the top level of American football was thriving, basketball was departing, minor league hockey was back, and Cincinnati was about to get its first taste of professional soccer. It was reported on April 4, 1.

Cincinnati and Cleveland had been awarded franchises in the American Soccer League. Unlike the North American Soccer League, which was founded in 1. Cosmos, the ASL had been around since 1. While both leagues were fully professional, there seemed to be no established “soccer pyramid” at the time, and if you were an investor, the gamble on owning a franchise in either league appeared to carry some risk. Nevertheless, with the future unknown, Dr. Nico “Nick” Capurro and a group of local businessmen purchased a franchise in the senior ASL. Nick Capurro was an Italian immigrant from Naples.

He was an established surgeon in the Cincinnati area and the coroner of Clermont County to the east of the city by 1. Giovanni (John), and several other business partners purchased an ASL franchise.

A lifelong soccer fan and former player, Capurro had been the coach of the amateur Cincinnati Bruins. Cappuro wasn’t just the face of the new investment; he would also be the new franchise’s coach. Dubbed the “Comets,” the team was slated to start in the 1.

ASL season as a member of the league’s new Midwestern Division, along with expansion sides in Cleveland, Chicago, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and Detroit.

A May 1. 97. 2 article in The Cincinnati Enquirer featured an interview with Capurro in which he described the Comets as Cincinnati’s first professional soccer team. Like FC Cincinnati would in 2. Capurro also stated some ambitious long- term goals. The modern incarnation of pro soccer seeks admittance into the top national league, but Capurro wanted to put America on the international soccer map.

He envisioned the ASL’s Midwestern division becoming a farm league for the national team. His plan called for 7 of each franchise’s 1.

American- born, and at the conclusion of each season, those Americans would be put together into a national team draft. He intended to eventually take that proposal to the United States Soccer Football Association (known today as the United States Soccer Federation) for official approval. “All that’s needed is the coaching.

Documentaries Everybody Should Watch. Sans Soleil. This is not your average documentary.

It is a fleeting memory, a sudden remembrance of times long past, a meditation on time and culture, a touch of an emotional diary. We follow the eyes of a world traveler who makes sharp observations and tries to convey them to his friend. We never learn who they are and where they came from, and this is perhaps a subtle point the documentary wants to make. The narrator’s voice switches from Japanese to German to English to French, thereby embodying the language of the places visited.

By observing the cultural kaleidoscope of our planet, the eye we follow seems to shape- shift its way around and conveys to us, the viewer, that ‘what life is’ depends on where and when you are. Sit down, cover yourself in a blanket and sip on a hot cup of coca and join the collaborative dream called Sans Soleil. Order Sans Soleil here. The Corporation. Corporate personhood is probably the elephant in the room when it comes politics.

More than a century ago corporations could apply for personhood, giving them constitutional rights as if they were persons. Yet. if they truly were persons, they would be power- hungry one- dimensional sociopaths. Directing everything from what we see, drink, think, eat and everything else what we bring into our lives, corporations have an ever- growing grip on the world.

We learn how they own the media, influence governments, silence critics and bend everything to their will, all in the name of profit. This documentary does not have a happy ending, and is probably preaching to the choir, but it is still a must watch if you want to understand the global workings of capitalism. Watch The Corporation here. Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. This list wouldn’t be complete without the documentary Cosmos. Made in 1. 97. 8 and is one the most viewed documentary on earth.

And rightfully so. Prominent astronomer Carl Sagan guides his viewers with his enchanting voice through 1. Alexandria, life on mars and redshifting galaxies, wormholes and the origin of life, natural selection and UFO’s, hindu cosmology and the human brain. He saw the human species as beings that are just dipping their toes in the water of the shores of the cosmic ocean. While reflecting on humanities potential and its danger to itself he makes us feel like one big happy but troubled family on this pale blue dot we call earth.

Do yourself a favor, lock yourself in and watch Cosmos. Add it to your collection. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High. This is a must watch for everyone. Do you smoke pot?

Watch it. You don’t smoke pot? Watch it anyway. There is a huge industry behind the most used illegal drug in the world.

This documentary is set out to understand how this business is run, what effect it has on the people and the society they live in and who actually profits the most (which might surprise you!). From pop culture to the police, The Union tries to portray an objective view of the marijuana trade, confirming the fact what most of us have known for quite some time, there is more money for the status quo when kept illegal.

Watch this documentary and never lose a marijuana debate again! Watch The Union on You. Tube. The Century of the Self. If I have to recommend one documentary to anyone, this is it.

It is hard to imagine a time without the consumer culture as the dominant force of the economy. Yet, there was a time where the study of control of the masses, the collective unconscious, wasn’t fully developed. Marketing did not exist, our desires weren’t manipulated for profit by corporations working with psychologists. But Freud’s family ran with his theories, and created the first and the mightiest Personal Relations firm. If you want to understand how this came into being, watch this documentary on the history and rise of individualism, psychotherapy, marketing and capitalism. Watch the Century of the Self on You. Tube. Life in a Day.

What do you love? What do you fear?” and “What’s in your pocket?” These were the ingredients for the first crowdsourced documentary ever made. On the 2. 4th of July 2.

They opened up their hearts, their dreams and their pockets for the whole world to see. And this whole world is us.

In this 9. 0 minute reflection we are reminded of how much we are alike in the core of our being. This emotionally gripping documentary shows us that it doesn’t matter what cultural glasses we wear, we all go through the same fear, sadness and laughter. Watch Life in a Dayon You.

Tube. Food Inc. Where does your food come from? How has it been processed? Who regulates and controls the supply?

And who profits the most? These are questions with unsettling answers. When the population boomed and the demand for food was high corporations put profit ahead of human lives and their environment. We now have more delicious varieties of food than ever before, yet we seem to pay a high cost. New bacteria, and an epidemic of obesity, cancer and diabetes has become a part of our daily lives. While the USDA and the FDA are supposed to protect consumers from the food industry, this documentary reveals an unsettling close relationship between the handful corporations that control the food supply and the supposed to be independent watchmen.

If you want to know what you put in your body everyday, watch Food Inc. Watch Food Inc. now. Inside LSDCoined medicine for the soul by LSD inventor Albert Hoffman, this drug is back in the spotlights.

After the widespread use in the 6. Yet, LSD was the raft that took people to the brink of enlightenment, madness, life- lasting wonderment and revolutionary insights into reality. This short unbiased documentary gives us a quick history of the use and banning of LSD and the potential it still holds today. Can it be used as a smart drug? Can it cure mental illnesses? Watch Solitary Download on this page. Watch Inside LSD to find out! Watch Inside LSD on You.

Tube. Taxi to the Dark Side. Torture is designated as a necessary practice by our leaders to protect our democracy in the ‘war on terror’. But what if it happens to someone innocent?

And are we still a democracy if we neglect the basic rights on which it was founded? Can we save freedom by destroying it?

Taxi to the Dark Side is a disorienting yet extremely well argued documentary that tells us the story of how an Afghani taxi driver got apprehended, tortured and murdered. From the international policies of the United states to the not- so- secret- anymore prisons, this documentary shows us the side our national media won’t show us. This is a must watch documentary that will leave you with a feeling of pure raw outrage. How on earth can our leaders get away with this? Click here to watch this documentary. Deliver Us From Evil. Still being looked after by the Catholic church today, Father Oliver O’grady is best known for abusing dozens of children while still remaining active in the clergy.

The heart- gripping stories of the victims that are shown in this brilliant documentary are very disturbing, yet gives us a faith- destroying look into how institutions can protect the guilty and destroy the souls of the innocent. These stories are juxtaposed with a shocking interview of O’grady himself, showing the inner workings of a sociopath. This is not a story with a happy ending. It is rather an honest portrayal of the raw pain that trauma carries into the lives of the ones that have been harmed and the cover up that does the impossible, making it worse. This scandal of the century is a must watch for all those who dare to see the corrupted inner workings of the Church and its effects on everyone involved. Click here to watch Deliver us from Evil.

Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth. Myths, the stories we tell about our fears, demons, dreams, passions, heroes and our magical existence are still to be found everywhere around us. This documentary by Joseph Campbell, famous author of The Hero with a Thousand Faces and myth expert shows us how deep we are still embedded in imagery, archetypes and symbols.