Watch Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Full Movie

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens second trailer released at Anaheim panel. Han Solo and Chewie are back after 3. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, that shows fans much more of what they will see when the movie hits screens on December 1. The one minute 5.

  • Directed by J.J. Abrams. With Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Gleeson. Three decades after the Empire's defeat, a new threat arises in the militant.
  • Some of the 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' deleted scenes include Maz Kanata fighting off stormtroopers, a snowspeeder chase, and more from the Rathtars.
  • Han Solo and Chewie are back after 32 years in a spectacular second trailer for Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, that shows fans much more of what they.
  • Read the latest Star Wars news, covering 'The Force Awakens' and far, far more from the Los Angeles Times.
Watch Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Full MovieWatch Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Full Movie

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

JJ Abrams during a fan even at California's Anaheim Convention Center  - with stars Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac and John Boyega looking on. The clip is the first time Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford, has been seen on film since 1.

Return of The Jedi. He is joined by Chewbacca at the end of the trailer and heard saying, 'Chewie, we're home.'Scroll down for trailer 'Chewie, we're home': The second trailer for Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens was released on Thursday to a packed audience at California's Anaheim Convention Center and streamed on Starwars.

Partners: The trailer was the first time fans have seen footage of the two on screen for the new film, almost four decades after they first appeared in A New Hope. The trailer opens on what appears to be the newly revealed desert planet Jaku (or Jakoo), as a speeder races across the sands we see an ancient downed Star Destroyer and a skeletal X- Wing, which clearly crashed there from orbit decades ago. We then see a an unknown pair of hands holding the mangled mask of Darth Vader, melted and disfigured from the Sith lord's funeral pyre at the end of Return of the Jedi. We hear a voice - believed to be Mark Hamill's - reprising a line from the 1. FR-EE The Automatic Hate Full Movie more.

Watch Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Full Movie

Visit for official news on Star Wars: Episode VII, the next chapter in the Star Wars saga, opening December 18, 2015.

The force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it.'A hooded figure with a robotic arm, very likely Luke Skywalker, reaches out and lays a hand on R2. D2 as John Williams rising score plays in the background. Ancient: The opening shot reveals a speeder on the planet Jaku, where a crashed Star Destoyer and X- Wing are buried in the sand Burned: An unknown pair of hands hold the melted mask of Darth Vader, apparently retrieved from his funeral pyre at the end of Return Of The Jedi. Familiar? A hooded unknown character with a robotic arm, possibly Luke Skywalker, is seen reaching for R2.

D2. We then see a lightsaber changing hands between two more unseen characters, as the voice finishes: 'You have that power too' - a strong suggestion Luke Skywalker has had a child. The lightsaber itself looks exactly like the one Luke inherited from Obi Wan Kenobi in A New Hope, but lost when Darth Vader cut off his hand above at the climax of The Empire Strikes Back, suggesting the weapon was somehow retrieved from below Bespin's Cloud City. Then in a flurry of quick scenes we see Oscar Isaac as pilot Poe Dameron flying with a squadron of X- Wings above water; His helmet and flight suit still bear the Rebel insignia from the original series. Passing it down? We see a lightsaber - which looks exacly like Luke's from A New Hope - being handed over, strongly suggesting Skywalker has had a child. Fly boys: An X- Wing squadron is seen racing along above water. Red leader: Oscar Isaac whoops as X- Wing pilot Poe Dameron, still bearing the rebel insignia on his helmet. In trouble: Daisy Ridley plays Rey and John Boyega is Finn - they are seen fleeing a pursuing TIE Fighter on the Jaku. She looks as if she has seen some fighting in her time: Ridley's Rey holds onto what appears to be a weapon.

Suddenly a hooded figure swinging the much- discussed 'crucifix lightsaber' at the camera; before John Boyega and Daisy Ridley as Rey and Finn are seen fleeing a TIE fighter blasting at them from above the desert planet, while the new rolling droid BB8 trudles speedily beside them. It is then we get our first proper look at the masked villain wielding the red lightsaber as he performs a Force push, while Stormtroopers mill about him in amid a fiery background.

We then appear to get a glimpse of what has become of the Empire - a squadron on the new look Stormtroopers form rank in a snow- covered location beneath a new black and red insignia reminiscent of the old Imperial one, surrounded by gun batteries and parked TIE fighters, while a sole figue can be seen on a stage way in the background. WHICH CHARACTERS RETURN IN THE NEW STAR WARS TRAILER? HAN SOLO Last seen in the movies: Learning that Luke Skywalker is Princess Leia’s brother at the end of Return of the Jedi.

New scenes: Telling Chewbacca ‘we’re home’ inside what appears to be the Millennium Falcon. LUKE SKYWALKER Last seen: Burning his father Darth Vader on a funeral pyre after rescuing him from the exploding second Death Star. He is then joined by the spirits of Yoda, Obi Wan Kenobi and a reformed Anakin Skywalker. New scenes: A robotic right hand is seen reaching towards R2. D2. Luke lost his right hand to Vader’s lightsaber in The Empire Strike Back. Watch Will You Merry Me Online Hulu more. R2. D2: Last seen: Celebrating with the Ewoks on Endor after helping Han, Princess Leia and Chewbacca disable the second Death Star’s defense shield.

New scenes: Spotted with a possible Luke Skywalker. CHEWBACCA: Last seen: With Han as they take on the Empire on Endor. New scenes: As above. Immediately we get to see the new look TIE fighters in action as a pair fly in formation above the sand, before a base filled with the former Imperial troops and falls under attack. One of the TIE fighters seems to attack its own base, suggesting it was commandeered by whomever the troops are fighting against. As the explosions rock the base we see one Stormtrooper remove his helmet to reveal John Boyega, a plot point fans were aware of having spotted him in the uniform in the fist teaser trailer back in November. As the trailer continues, more and more evidence of surviving elements of the supposedly toppled Empire are revealed, including at least one operating Star Destroyer, although all the ships seen appear to have been modified or updated in the decades that have past since Return Of The Jedi. New baddie: The mysterious wielder of the much- discussed crucifix lightsaber is revealed, using the Force while wearing a mask.

New Empire: The new Stormtroopers form ranks in front of a new insignia that is reminiscent of the old Imperial one. Ready for action: The men in white appear to be assembled outside a large command post nestled in the snowy mountains. New look: Modern TIE fighters are seen flying in formation above the desert planet, possibly in pursuit of Finn and Rey. One of the most intriguing shots was of a new character wearing a black version of Stormtrooper armour, perhaps some sort of elite troop, who wore a cloak over one shoulder similar to fan favourite Boba Fett. This image is followed by one of BB8 peeking around a corner in thr interior of a ship that is surely the Millennium Falcon. During the Q& A session, John and Daisy had confirmed that their characters form an allegiance and the trailer appears to show that moment as Rey stand's above an exhausted Finn - presumably after fleeing from the Tie fighters - and extends an arm in friendship. Ambush: A base filled with Stormtroopers and TIE fighters comes under attack from unseen assailants. Carjacked: The scene appears to show one of the TIE fighters firing on its own base, suggesting it was comandeered. Bad guy? One of the Stormtroopers removes his helmet to reveal Boyega's character Finn; it is not known why there is blood on the helmet.

Revealed: Fans already knew Boyega's character was a Stormtrooper - or at least posed as one - since November's first teaser trailer. The penultimate shot of the trailer shows the Millennium Falcon - whose pilot is as yet unknown - being pursued across Jaku by a pair of TIE fighters, presumably the same ones that were chasing Finn and Rey.

They chase the ship, once (and possibly still) owned by Han Solo into the belly of an enormous ruined inverted Super Star Destroyer. In one of the teasers many nods to the original films besides, the sequence mirrors the final battle above Endor when the Falcon was flown into the heart of the second Death Star.