Winged Creatures Movie Watch Online

New species of parrot found in Mexico. A parrot with unusual blue plumage and a distinctive squawk has been identified in Mexico as a new species. The blue winged Amazon has a distinctive shape, colour pattern, call and behaviour and evolved from the White fronted parrot around 1. It joins just two parrots from the Amazon parrot family, the red crowned amazon and lilac crowned amazon, to be found only in Mexico. And because of the species small range and rarity scientists claim they should be classified as endangered. Scroll down for video A parrot with unusual blue plumage and a distinctive squawk has been identified in Mexico as a new species. The Blue winged Amazon pictured has a distinctive shape, colour pattern, call and behaviour and evolved from the White fronted parrot around 1. THE BLUE WINGED AMAZON  Named after its blue covert feathers and is characterised by its unique green crown Has a call all of its own that is loud, sharp, short, repetitive and monotonous Like all parrots it is a herbivore eating seeds, fruits, flowers and leaves obtained in the tree canopy  Emerged 1. Watch Gridlocked Mediafire. White fronted parrot population  Live in small flocks of less than 1. The discovery also sheds light about parrot evolution and colonisation of the Greater and Lesser Antilles and Central America from the South America mainland with migrations and diversification rates linked to climatic and geological events in the last five million years. Ornithologist Dr Miguel Gomez Garza came across the new species during a visit to a remote part of the Yucatn Peninsula. The MixandMatch Critters trope as used in popular culture. A common way of making monsters or fantastic creatures is to simply take existing animals and. Mammal ancestors discovered the secret of gliding 160 million years ago Jurassic fossils reveal creatures used winglike flaps of skin between their limbs to soar. A parrot with unusual blue plumage and a distinctive squawk has been identified in Mexico as a new species. The bluewinged Amazon has a distinctive shape, colour. Directed by Jacques Perrin, Jacques Cluzaud, Michel Debats. With Jacques Perrin, Philippe Labro. Documentary on the migratory patterns of birds, shot over the course. It is named after its primarily blue covert feathers and is characterised by its unique green crown that contrast to blue in other Amazon parrots. And its has a call all of its own that is loud, sharp, short, repetitive and monotonous. Dr Gomez Garza said one particular vocalisation was more reminiscent of an Accipiter than of any known parrot and the duration of syllables is much longer than in other Amazon parrot species. When flying the call is a loud, short, sharp and repetitive yak yak yak but while perched, the call is mellow and prolonged. DQGukt0MdhKxycEP4FRJQFA3k.jpg' alt='Winged Creatures Movie Watch Online' title='Winged Creatures Movie Watch Online' />The species lives in small flocks of less than 1. The new species top line of right image is named after its primarily blue covert feathers and is characterised by its unique green crown that contrast to blue in other Amazon parrots. Like all parrots it is a herbivore eating seeds, fruits, flowers and leaves leftBut like all parrots it is a herbivore eating seeds, fruits, flowers and leaves obtained in the tree canopy. The analysis of mitochondrial DNA genes indicates the blue winged Amazon has emerged quite recently, or about 1. White fronted parrot population. Over the years its call was sufficiently different to make it recognisable as a separate species. Dr Gomez Garza said Parrots are a diverse group of birds which need urgent protection. When flying, the birds unique call is a loud, short, sharp and repetitive yak yak yak, but while perched, the call is mellow and prolongedHowever, many taxa from this order have an unresolved status, which makes their conservation difficult. One species rich parrot genus is Amazona, which is widely distributed in the New World. Here we describe a new Amazona form, which is endemic to the Yucatn Peninsula. This parrot is clearly separable from other Amazona species in eleven morphometric characters as well as call and behaviour. The clear differences in these features imply that the parrot most likely represents a new species. Ornithologist Dr Miguel Gomez Garza came across the new species during a visit to a remote part of the Yucatn Peninsula, Mexico. NOVA Official Website Cracking the Maya Code. Cracking the Maya Code. PBS Airdate April 8, 2. NARRATOR Imagine explorers arriving to find our cities. The travelers cannot. In. the jungles of southern Mexico and Central America, the ancient ruins of the. Maya posed such a mystery. They revealed a civilization of stunning achievements. Europe and Asia. Their cities were full of strange. They were carved on. For. centuries, the hieroglyphs confounded explorers. What secrets did they holdWere they merely pictures and symbols, or, in fact, true writing, expressing an. MICHAEL. D. COE Author, Breaking the Maya Code People threw their hands up and said, Nobodys ever going to crack this script. It just cant be done. NARRATOR The quest would obsess artists and adventurers. Mac. Arthur. genius award. DAVID. STUART Epigrapher, University of Texas at. Austin It became very clear to. NARRATOR After centuries of struggle, the stories of the. Maya scribes are coming to life. MICHAEL. began to see blood everywhere in the hieroglyphs. It was a rather darker view. Maya that shocked a lot of people. NARRATOR As the hieroglyphs reveal their meaning, a. Maya. STUART These were. They had these fantastic stories to tell. And we really got. Maya saw their world. NARRATOR Up next on NOVA, Cracking the Maya Code. Watch Jeremiah Johnson Streaming here. NARRATOR In the 1. Spanish. Inquisition scorched the New World, decimating the Maya civilization. One blaze. was ignited by Diego de Landa, a zealous friar, bent on destroying one of the. Maya hieroglyphics. GEORGE. STUART Historian, Center for Maya. Research He looked at these. Maya, and he saw them as tools of the devil. And Landa felt he. NARRATOR Landas mission was to convert the Maya to. Catholicism in the Yucatan peninsula. Upon learning they were still making. Maya for. crimes of devil worship. MICHAEL. GEORGE. STUART So they had a great ceremony of. We will. never know. And, of course, out of all of that, only four books or partial. NARRATOR Maya scribes were forced to learn European. Spanish. conquest. I mean, people were probably burned at the stake for writing in the. By the 1. 8th century, I dont think anybody could write. NARRATOR Knowledge of the ancient Maya script soon. It would take centuries of struggle before the hieroglyphs could be. Today in the highlands of Guatemala, Maya villagers still make offerings to ancient. They seek guidance about favorable days for planting and harvesting. Although they hold onto their. Maya have been a people cut off from the written words of their. Now the decipherment of the hieroglyphs is bringing their past to life. WILLIAM. FASH Archeologist, Harvard University. The hieroglyphic records have so many. Maya history and. LINDA. SCHELE Epigrapher, University of Texas. AustinDeceased 1. Those. glyphs give the Maya 1,5. Europe. SIMON. MARTIN Epigrapher, University of. Pennsylvania Museum This is. Americas before the arrival of. Europeans and hear these people speaking to us. NARRATOR Since ancient times, the Maya have lived in a. Mexico through much of Central America. The. heart of their civilization lay between the highlands of Guatemala and the. Yucatan, much of it a vast region of dense jungle. Here. around A. D. Tikal, Copn. and Palenque. They. were renowned for their monumental architecture. Pyramids and temples towered. WILLIAM. FASH There. NARRATOR Maya civilization thrived for over 2,0. LINDA. SCHELE The. NARRATOR As Europe entered the Dark Ages, these. MICHAEL. COE They. New World. NARRATOR Yet mysteriously, in the ninth century, the Maya. The temples and pyramids in the central. Almost 1,0. 00 years later, a Spanish explorer named Jose Calderon stumbled upon the. Palenque. Inside its abandoned temples, Calderon and his men. DAVID. STUART Its. NARRATOR As news of the strange texts spread, French. Jean Frederick Waldeck traveled to Palenque, in 1. Believing that Babylonians, Phoenicians or Hindus had built the. Maya cities, Waldecks drawings even included Indian elephants. DAVID. STUART We now. Maya werent even writing anything that visually looked. He was not understanding the forms of the signs. This is the. theme that you see time and time again with artists trying to record Maya. NARRATOR As more sites were discovered, explorers did. Everything. would change in the 1. Alfred Maudslay arrived with a glass plate. STUART Maudslay was taking full advantage. He had gone into all the sites, fully. WILLIAM. see these lovely photographs with the entire great plaza cleared. Well, it. wasnt that way when he got there. He had to set a lot of people to work. NARRATOR Maudslays photos captured the hieroglyphs. MICHAEL. youre going to deal with an ancient body of inscriptions and try to. And he was the. first one to make it. NARRATOR But unknown to many scholars poring over. Maudslays photos, the work of decipherment had already begun, with the. Maya books that had survived the Spanish conquest. Three. surfaced in Madrid, Paris and Mexico, but the most exquisite manuscript made. Royal Library of Dresden, Germany. It is called the Dresden. Americas was published. Paris and included five of its pages. Its strange hieroglyphs pushed an. Constantine Rafinesque to attempt to try and crack the Maya. You never get more. One. would be one dot two would be two dots three would be three dots four, four. And then a dot would make it six two dots. And. that was the first time anyone had ever deciphered a Maya hieroglyph. That is. the beginning of the decipherment. NARRATOR The quest would move to Dresden Germany, when. Ernst Forstemann, a librarian, stumbled upon the Dresden Codex. The priceless book had sat in the library, overlooked, for decades. GEORGE. STUART Can you imagine being able to pull. New. World and to have it there in front of you and just look at it and work with. NARRATOR Forstemann discovered the Maya had developed a. In the Dresden. Codex, he found precise predictions for the dates of lunar and solar. And there were tables tracking the cycles of the planet Venus, which. But. Forstemanns greatest feat came when he figured out that very large. Dresden Codex were. Maya believed the. Ahau 8 Cumku. By. Western calendar date of August 1. B. C. archaeologists could now date the carvings on stone monuments, called. Maya glyphs was J. Eric Thompson, a brilliant British. DAVID. STUART Thompson. Watch Once In A Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story Of The New York Cosmos Online Forbes. Maya glyph studies from the 1. He was the. figure. No one else at that time had any idea what Maya writing really was. NARRATOR Thompson created a meticulous classification. Thompson or T numbers to over 8. Maya. living among the Maya in Mexico and Belize, he came to deeply admire their. GEORGE. STUART He created a kind of a picture of. Maya as a gentle folk, rather unlike anybody else that ever lived in the. NARRATOR Thompsons view of the Maya was influenced. World War I. MICHAEL. COE Anybody. who had actually been in the trenches in the First World War never really. So he had a mindset that was. NARRATOR Thompson concluded that the focus of the Maya. The figures in their art were priests and gods, and their glyphs were. MICHAEL. COE Thompson. Maya for getting in touch with their gods. NARRATOR Most scholars accepted Thompsons theory. MICHAEL. COE People. Nobodys ever going to. Its basically too much of a hodgepodge, and it just. NARRATOR The woman who would challenge Thompsons. Maya studies by chance. Tatiana Proskouriakoff had. Great Depression. MICHAEL. had no real job ahead of her. She wandered into the museum of the University of. Pennsylvania and saw that there was an advertisement for an artist to go and do. Piedras Negras, a. Maya site. And. Tanya began her work there, in the field. And she started to do reconstructions. NARRATOR She was a skilled surveyor and draftswoman. Her. reconstruction drawings were so architecturally precise they brought the. Maya city to life. WILLIAM. FASH Its. And she turned out to be remarkably. NARRATOR For nearly 2. Proskouriakoff toiled as a. She left fieldwork in.