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Black Monday anniversary How the 2017 stock market compares with 1987. It is the 30th anniversary of Black Monday, and while worries about market structure abound. Watch the latest Featured Videos on CBSNews. View more videos on CBS News, featuring the latest indepth coverage from our news team. Red River Farm Network. Harvest 1. 7 in the Books. Harvest 2. 01. 7 is in the books for Reynolds, North Dakota farmer Pete Schumacher. Despite a muddy start to sugarbeet harvest, Schumacher says they were able to harvest all of the acres. We were right at the company average for tons and sugar and were able to harvest all of our planted acres. As far as corn and soybeans, Schumacher says both crops were much better than anticipated. Soybean yields were average to above average, and pleasantly surprised by corn yields as well. Shark Week Official Site. Watch Full Episodes, Get Behind the Scenes, Meet the Cast, and much more. Stream Shark Week FREE with Your TV Subscription Legal Notices Stansberry Research LLC Stansberry Research is a publishing company and the indicators, strategies, reports, articles and all other features of our. Majority of the corn came off at 1. Moving On to Corn. Watch A Night At The Opera Online Etonline. Soybean harvest is wrapping up, and many farmers have moved on to corn. Lake Benton, Minnesota farmer Bob Worth says soybean yields were below average in his area, greatly due to hail, excess rain and white mold. Soybeans were actually below average, but with all the issues weve had this year I cant complain too much. Watch At Risk Download Full' title='Watch At Risk Download Full' />However, Worth has been pleasantly surprised by corn yields. Corn yields are better than anticipated. With all the wind and warm temperatures, the corn has dried down to 1. Lamb Prices at Seasonal Lows. Watch At Risk Download Full' title='Watch At Risk Download Full' />Lamb market prices are at a seasonal low. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota Extension Sheep Specialist Travis Hoffman says low prices are projected and expected at this time on a yearly basis. Prices are typically highest throughout early and mid summer because of low lamb numbers. It becomes a case of supply and demand. Hoffman says prices should move back towards a 1. Watch Jeopardy Full Episodes Online. Instantly find any Jeopardy full episode available from all 31 seasons with videos, reviews, news and more World Meteorological Organization PROGRAMMES site English version WMO. Download the latest version of RealPlayer or RealTimes and get the latest features Official Site. We recognize that your privacy is important. This document outlines the types of personal information we receive and collect when you use Watch TV Show Online, as. On average, prices have been sitting at about 1. Hopefully weve found a basement price for now and will trend upward. Bipartisan Fix Proposed for Farm Safety Net. North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp and Iowa Senator Joni Ernst have introduced a bill to clarify some of the provisions in the farm bill. This proposal would make sure ARC County payments reflect the physical counties when the crop is planted. The other change would be allowing state committees to make adjustments when the data seems irrational, says Heitkamp. Thirdly, the bill directs the Farm Service Agency to use data from the Risk Management Agency when calculating county yields. Logan and La. Moure Counties in North Dakota were the poster children for the perceived problems with the farm safety net program. Heitkamp similar issues were seen in other parts of the country. We know there are challenges with commodity prices and weather that need to be addressed if we want to continue to have food security in this country. New Seed Treatment Portfolio Introduced. West Central Distribution has launched a new ready to use seed treatment lineup. The Ridgeline Seed Care portfolio includes some of the newest chemistries in the seed treatment market. These products will protect a variety of crops, including soybeans and wheat. Former USW Leader to Assist Bayer Crop. Science. Bayer Crop. Science has contracted with former U. S. Wheat Associates Alan Tracy. Tracy will assist with issues related to Bayers wheat program and advise the company on trade matters. Tracy is also doing contract work for Nisshin Flour Milling of Japan, which owns Miller Milling in the U. S. and Rogers Foods in Canada. MN Chicken Plant to Close Dec. Pilgrims Pride will close its Luverne, Minnesota chicken processing plant by the end of this year. Pilgrims Pride acquired the former IBP beef production plant nearly 2. Cargill to Acquire Diamond V. Cargill has signed off on an agreement to acquire Diamond V Nutrition. Diamond V is based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and is known for natural and sustainable feed products. Terms of the agreement were not disclosed, but Cargill expects to close on the sale in early 2. Duties Imposed on Subsidized Biodiesel Imports. The U. S. Commerce Department has ruled Argentina and Indonesia imported subsidized biodiesel into the United States below fair market values. The duties range from just over 5. The preliminary determination will be published in the Federal Register next week and a final ruling will be announced in early 2. Rabobank Expands Food Research Team. Rabo. Research Food and Agribusiness added Christine Mc. Cracken as the executive director, animal protein. Mc. Cracken will cover the North American poultry and hog sector. Mc. Cracken was a founding partner at a Cleveland based equity research firm. Rural Task Force Sends Report to Trump. The Interagency Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity has submitted its report to the White House. President Donald Trump created this task force in April and it was led by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. The executive order focused on ways to help Rural America, like infrastructure improvements or regulatory reform. The details of the task force recommendations have not been released. Beets and Beans Wrapping Up. The sugarbeet harvest is wrapping up near Ada, Minnesota. West Central Ag Services Agronomist Mike Nelson says the start of harvest was muddy, but conditions improved to help get the crop out of the ground. Tons are really good again, and sugar percentages increased over the last part of harvest, says Nelson. Cooler temperatures should help with beet storage as well. Soybean harvest is also nearing the end, but iron deficiency chlorosis IDC has impacted yields. There is a lot of variation this year in terms of maturity due to IDC. Some of the same varieties have a wide range issues that created differences in yields. Keep An Eye on Cow Condition. Once calves have been weaned, it is time to assess cow condition. Due to lower milk requirements and the early stages of pregnancy, North Dakota State University Extension Beef Specialist Kris Ringwall says cows can easily put on condition by stubble grazing and feed supplementation. When it comes to culling cattle, Ringwall says rates typically range from 1. In a year like this where most of the cattle producing region is short of hay, you could even cull a little deeper. Now is a good time to save that feed. Also, if a cow is not structurally correct, its a lot better to move her along to market before something happens. Disappointed with Yields. Despite a wet, muddy start, Badger, Minnesota farmer Shayne Isane has finished harvesting soybeans. A lot of farmers used tracks, but as time went on fields finally dried up. It did help replenish the subsoil moisture, which we needed. Isane. Yields werent as good as expected. We just got too dry during the summer. Isane has now moved on to corn harvest. My combine monitor shows 1. Ive ever harvested. Test weights are 5. Another Group Targets Crop Insurance. The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition is calling for changes in the federal crop insurance program. In its new report, the coalition said the current crop insurance rules discourage sustainable farming practices. This group also wants to make it easier for small farms and organic farms to participate in the crop insurance program. Wet Conditions Slow Harvest. Cottonwood, Minnesota farmer Carolyn Olson has finished harvesting her food grade and organic soybeans. Wet conditions early on posed a challenge, but a killing frost and dry weather helped get the last of the beans in the bin. Some of the soybean varieties for seed dont yield as well as others, but they have good protein and oil quality, she says. Yields are lower than last year, in that upper 4. Olson has now moved on to corn harvest. The corn has been standing really well.